The plan to save Hisoka + big time lemon

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No spoilers so when you get to right before the spot I'll explain.

Illumi had put a pin in Hisoka.

I couldn't just demand Illumi take it out, and based off what I knew about the regions of the brain, and a manipulator's power, I guessed at where the pin probably was. I thought about what I'd have to do to save Hisoka before we ran out of time. A million thoughts started to race through my head as I thought to keep my heart ate down and my race neutral so Illumi wouldn't suspect anything. Who knows what would happen to Hisoka, or me after the Hunter Exam? I guessed after this Illumi would basically  force me to marry him and never let me out of his sight again. I panicked thinking about how I'd get to Hisoka now before we docked for the last phase. Ok, I breathed. It if was, I glanced to the digital clock on the nightstand, 8:13 now, and we had to get off the boat at 9:00, I thought frantically about a plan to goad Illumi into letting me out of his sight long enough to reach Hisoka without raising any suspicion. Illumi jolted me out of my thoughts when he said, "y/n why is your heart rate racing? What is wrong?" I cursed myself for not realizing the pin was in sooner, then this all could've been avoided. I thought about what I'd tell him and I decided if he wanted a broken little girl he needed to protect, I'd give him one. Then, maybe I could convince him to let me go for enough time to take the pin out of Hisoka. I got the best scared look in my eye as I could manage and I said, "Illumi I am just so angry that he duped me this whole time, I just thought he loved me, I thought I was strong enough. I wasn't. I hate that you were so right, but you were. You are." I made my voice break and I rubbed my legs up against him and snuggled into his shirt. I continued, "you were right. I'm so glad I had you to protect me Illumi. I'm so *sniff* glad". He said nothing and just traced my facial features with his cold hand. I started to panic again looking into those bottomless pits of darkness he called eyes. At least Hisoka always had a life in his eyes. To me, Illumi looked halfway dead. I kept going and I said, "I thought I knew him, Illumi, I was so wrong!" He just nodded. I couldn't tell if my performance was working or not, and I inwardly cursed his emotionless face. I figured I'd shoot my shot, it was now or never, so I said, "please let me tell him goodbye, before I marry you." Illumi stared at me and said, "y/n that is unnecessary." Is sniffed and looked up at him innocently, "please, Illumi, I need closure before I-". I considered fighting him, but with the deep wounds in my back, and my back of sleep and energy, I doubted I stood a chance. I needed energy, sleep, and the ability to concentrate to heal myself and I had barely any of those now. I tried again, "Illumi, if you love me, even just a little let me say goodbye, let me see his face and forever remember with that last visit the kind of monster he is. The unlovable kind". It hurt me to say those words, but I knew it's what Illumi wanted to hear. Illumi strokes my hair and thought for a moment. He then said calmly, "y/n it's because I love you I won't let you near him. It's because I love you that I will protect you from him." I just nodded a defeated little nod and tried to figure out what I could do to save Hisoka and escape from Illumi. I was grasping at straws when I thought of what might be my saving grace. I considered it from every angle, and it seemed to be my best bet. But just the idea of it made me want to hurl, let alone actually doing it. I took a shaky breath inward and hoped that this would be the 'get out of jail free' card I needed. I prayed for the first time in a long time and then I opened my mouth, my heart racing as I hoped with every fiber in my body that he would do what any indecent man would, even in lieu of the fact I was so physically injured and very clearly emotionally unstable.

Illumi POV
Y/n turned to me and whispered with tears in her eyes while she pleaded, "Illumi, please take my virginity. Last night, I thought I wanted Hisoka, and we got so close last night, but he was never inside me. He *hiccup* said he wanted to watch me beg." Y/n shivered at the mention of Hisoka. I wondered if she was lying about being a virgin, but as I looked down to her wide eyes, her shivering body, her eyes. I knew. I have had sex with many men and women and I never saw them look like she looked at the idea of having sex. I felt triumphant. This must mean she wants to be mine. This must mean she recognizes how I am the only one who can truly protect her. Then, I remembered her injuries that I had given her by way of Hisoka, and I said, "what about your back, y/n". I would hate to accidentally kill my doll the day I got her. She just whispered, "Illumi please, I need this, I need you. Just, be gentle, Illumi. Illumi" she reached down to gently palm my cock. I savored the feeling of her warm touch. I had been waiting for this, and I saw my opportunity.

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