I'm Hungry

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Timeskip to blimp ride after cavern diving for the rare eggs lol

Your POV
I clambered into the blimp. Hisoka was behind me. By now, Hisoka seemed decently stable. We had worked together to retrieve the eggs, and we could both sense when the updraft was coming, so we succeeded in our task and I think all was well with him. After I gave him that talking-to earlier, he had been uncharacteristically quiet with me. It was undoubtedly awkward still and I turned around and motioned for him to catch up with me. His gilded eyes were glazed over. Almost never was he lost in thought like this. He always seemed to be relishing and living in the present, one way or another. I almost started to feel bad about what I had said, but I knew I had to put him in his place, lest the situation get out of hand with him. Again, I just didn't want him to start treat me like an object that he owns. I frowned, slowing down meet with him and I gently brushed my arm against his. He bristled at the contact, and before he could decide otherwise, I quickly brought his arm around me, so his hand rested on my outer hip, and my right side was pressed up against his uncharacteristically warm body. He made no noticeable facial expression change, but he did tighten his hold on me, thus pulling me closer to him.

Tiny timeskip
After Bean told us the run-down for what time we arrive tomorrow, I looked up at Hisoka and did my best to look upbeat, hoping my attitude would affect his. I asked him, "what do you want to do before we go to sleep?". It was still like 6:40 pm or so, so we had some time before bed. Hisoka said unenthusiastically, "Dear, do whatever you like. I will text you what room I choose for us to sleep in tonight". With that, he causally walked off with a wave of his hand. I considered finding Leorio, but I decided against it. Instead I just roamed around and eventually found the kitchen. It was deserted, save for a few other examinees grabbing food as well. I rifled through the cupboards and the fridge. I was hungry and I didn't want to eat just anything, i wanted something warm and comforting. I had a tendency to eat my nerves and if it wasn't for my intense training, I'd probably be overweight because of how much I ate. I sighed thinking about what I'd fix for myself. I was a little perturbed at the fact there wasn't a chef on duty or something. Pouting, I pulled out the ingredients to make chicken noodle soup with a side salad with blue cheese dressing, pine nuts, and some other toppings. I took my time gathering the ingredients and getting the pots out and whatnot. I admired the simple, yet elegant marble countertop, then I heard Gon enter the room talking about how hungry he was. With him was a cute little gray-blue eyed boy with white hair. I could already tell he'd be a lady killer when he got older. I greeted Gon happily and I asked him, "whose your friend here?" Gon beamed at me and motioned to the boy, saying "this is Killua, Ms. Creatur". I said, "nice to meet you Killua, and Gon there's no need for formalities, call me y/n!" Killua just stared at me uninterestedly, and I saw his eyes move down and stare at my half- exposed breasts (courtesy of a ill-fitting sports bra that I would burn as soon as possible). I wanted to scold him but I figured I'd let it slide this time since he's a kid. Still, I said "Killua, honey it's rude to stare." Killua started to blush and Gon smiled and elbowed him. Since they were here I asked if they wanted to help me make my soup , and I said "we could eat it together once we've finished cooking it". Gon nodded enthusiastically and said, "my Aunt Mito makes this soup too". I smiled and directed them on what to do. I asked Gon to pour the chicken stock into a pot and bring it to a boil, and while he waited for that I asked him to get a rotisserie chicken from the fridge and pull the meat apart and put it into the pot. I pulled out a cutting board and some carrots and I debated asking Killua to cut the carrots. I mean I could tell both kids were decently skilled, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to give a 12 year old a knife. Killua interjected my thoughts when he said, "it's ok I'm good with knives." He grabbed a knife and moved past me and began to cut the carrots. I started making noodles to put in the soup. Out of the blue, Gon started talking about his home, Whale Island. I listened intently as he described the diverse wildlife, the clean, salty air, and the clear night's sky of his home. I smiled, imagining this peaceful place. I said to Gon, " that sounds absolutely beautiful. I'd love to visit one day. Say, Killua what about your home?" Killua paused and said, "my home is no fun. My family is a family of assassins and they never let me make friends or go out". I sat there, not knowing what to say, but Gon moved over to Killua and hugged him. Killua yelled "Baka!" and tried to pry Gon away from him. I laughed at their funny, yet compatible dynamic. Then Hisoka walked in.

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