step off

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Your POV
Hisoka, the king of seducing and confusing me dragged me along after him after he practically tied to have sex with me against a tree! I didn't try to stop him because in that moment I didn't really want to but still, Hisoka most definitely was not the king of consent because I never agreed (out loud) to do that kind of thing with him. At this point I was really upset but more tired of his shit than anything. It was like whenever Hisoka decided to touch and kiss me I was all for being with him in the moment. However, when we were just talking and hanging out, I still couldn't bring myself to want to be in a romantic relationship with him. What to do... hm. suddenly, I laughed, slapping my other hand (the one not holding Hisoka's) to my forehead, thinking about the hilarious prospect at being 'friends with benefits' with Hisoka Morrow.

Hisoka POV
Y/n and I were sprinting to the next phase, and as we were arriving, she started to laugh like a madman. I chuckled. I knew that after that moment she knew she was mine, and was probably laughing at the ridiculous prospect of being with someone else forever instead of me.

Your POV
We arrived at the gates of the next phase and slipped in with everyone else. In front of the group lay the two examiners. One positively huge guy and one normal sized girl with a crazy sense of style and blue hair. She looked nothing like Elaine but she still reminded me of Elaine. I pulled out my phone really covertly and took a picture of her. I sent it to the Hisoka and Elaine groupchat I was in with them. The title was the clown emoji, the female genie emoji, and the female fairy emoji (representing each of us, respectively). Our last text had been 2 weeks ago and Elaine had sent a picture of a deformed eggplant she saw at the store and she captioned it 'a rare picture nude picture, courtesy of Hisoka'. I snickered at her last text and sent the picture of the examiner and captioned it 'Elaine, I think I found your new soulmate. Look, she even has your killer sense of style'. I sent it, tucking my phone away in my pocket. I looked up realizing the examiners had been talking the whole time and Hisoka disappeared once again. Great, I thought. The examiners yelled "GO" and I had no idea what to do and I just followed the crowd back out into the forest. I watched everyone and it looked like we had to kill and bring in one of these huge hogs. I low key cursed the hunter exam because I usually avoided eating red meat and pork, because the I felt the animals were too cute and i felt that these animals had too high level of consciousness to be killed. Plus, the environment. I shivered at the thought of having to literally drown an animal I've never killed before. I whimpered thinking about taking the life of a pig, after I hadn't eaten pork (except for the occasional bacon bits in my salad) for the past 3 years. Gon popped up next to me and said with a concerned tone, "hey, Miss, what's wrong?" I smiled down at him and said, "hey kid, call me y/n. Also, I'm upset because I don't eat pork or red meat so I'm not too excited at having to kill an animal to eat...". Gon just nodded and grabbed my hand. He said, "I get it y/n. But you have to know no fear! My dad is a hunter, and I will be too, and so will you! We'll do it together!" I smiled. He didn't say anything profound but it was enough to motivate me, and I loved the feeling of his little hand in mine. It was like having a younger brother! "Thanks Gon." I said, smiling, and I hugged him.

Hisoka POV
As the clearly incompetent examiners yelled "GO!" I stalked off to find myself a pig. Ugh, my nails had better stay intact during this portion of the phase or I would most definitely kill that girl examiner. Normally, I would've left y/n to her own devices at this point but recently I've been having the insatiable urge to monitor her more closely since I've developed romantic feelings for her. I saw her speaking with Gon, who was yet another promising toy of mine. They held hands and she smiled while talking to him. Gon was a child and didn't seem to be a threat to y/n and my romantic relationship, but I hated the idea of y/n getting so close to an unripe fruit that I would eventually have the pleasure of slaughtering. Knowing her and her bleeding heart, she might be upset with the idea of Gon dying. I continued to watch them, from behind some trees and I saw one of the animals charging straight for Gon. Gon had noticed the hog was coming and was preparing to attack when ...

Y/n leaped in front of him, protecting him as she slammed her shoulder forcefully  into the hog. I watched as Gon then leapt onto the pig and pounded at a soft spot on the animal's forehead and it blacked out. I dimly heard the two playfully arguing who gets to keep that pig, but I was no longer listening. Tears stung my eyes. I remembered all those years ago when she had protected me like that. When she jumped in front of me, defending me. She was MINE, and she dared to defend this, this, unripe child like she once defended me? I realized multiple tears had leaked out of my eyes now. I waited until she trailed off to get her own pig while Gon called out something about the where soft spot of the pig was. I wiped my tears away angrily and went after my mate.

Your POV
Gon, what a cute kid. Gon and I had agreed he deserved the pig we caught together because he's the one who found its soft spot.i left to find my own pig, dreading the moment when I had to kill it. Suddenly, I felt blindingly intense bloodlust at my back. I turned on my aura and whipped around, only to see Hisoka. I sighed with relief seeing it was just him. But something was really wrong with him. I'd seen him like this maybe twice before but...
he approached me slowly, as a predator would approach prey. I was torn between being scared of him, and concerned for him. "What's wrong?" I said as gently as I could. "Hmmmm Love, what do you think is wrong?" He asked me while am evil smile split his face. He continued to stalk closer to me and kept backing up until I hit a tree. I closed my eyes at the impact, and when I opened them, he was pressed against me like he was earlier. However, this time there was no lust in his eyes. Only anger and a twisted form of concern. He slammed his hand into the tree, inches away from the side of my face. I flinched. I knew him and I knew he was trying to intimidate me, and it was working, but I still tried to keep myself composed. "What's wrong." I repeated, stronger this time. His golden eyes flashed and his feline smile grew. "Love, I saw how you defended Gon. Remember how you defended me?" His smile dropped suddenly and his eyes grew misty and he whispered, "you defended me and cared for me when no one else did. Are you trying to replace me with Gon? Are you trying to leave me?" My heart clenched at seeing him like this. I knew he was being irrational, possessive, selfish and  a tad bit paranoid,but that's him after all. And even after 9 years of seeing that, I had seen the good in him, the enjoyable times we had, the times we spent together was almost always fun and I felt safe with him. Even lately when he scared me like this I never really believed he wanted to hurt me. I moved my hands to hug him tightly and I said what I truly believed, "Hisoka, no one could ever, in a million years replace you. We will always be together forever, and I will always defend you because we're partners. We're a team. A pair. The two musketeers, heh." He then wrapped his muscular, pale arms  around me and held me in silence. We just stood like that for a few minutes, and when I felt his heart rate finally slow down and his bloodlust faded away I said, " you remember our promise, Hisoka. We'll always be together. Even still, you can't treat me like one of your toys! You have to give me some breathing room... Love" I called him Love, hoping it would soften the blow of me reminding him that he needs to step the fuck off.

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