The contract

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3rd person POV
Illumi in fact had nothing in mind at the moment. He considered demanding that  y/n marry him, but Illumi gazed upon her and Hisoka's murderous glare and he knew that they would surely kill him if he asked that, no matter who his family was or how powerful they were. Illumi also doubted whether or not he could win against both of them combined. Illumi and Hisoka were about matched for strength and y/n was probably as almost strong as them, if not stronger, but she lacked formal training. Illumi's thoughts went a mile a minute, as his brain calculated all of his possible options that would benefit him, but not get him killed. He was accustomed to working under pressure and this situation was no exception. He wondered what he could do to still spend time with y/n, regardless if she'd marry him or not. Illumi guessed (correctly)  that while y/n did not love him, but she most definitely enjoyed having sex with him. Illumi, as a mental manipulator knew much about psychology and he knew that for a woman, sex often (but not always) comes with an emotional attachment and releases hormones of pleasure, such as oxytocin. he also knew that during orgasm, the brain enters a trancelike state similar to when someone listens to music or dances. Illumi hoped that those moments with her was enough for her to grow fond of him, to some extent at least. He at this point accepted she loved and wanted Hisoka only, but while Illumi realized he could never marry her, he also realized he wanted, no- needed to have someone to process his life and emotions with, someone he could be loved by and trust. Before, he worked relentlessly to feel nothing besides his (toxic) love for Killua, and an unwavering allegiance to his family. But upon confessing his life story to y/n, and after having y/n pay attention to him as a person, rather than a just a weapon he found himself wanting to know what it was like to feel more deeply. He wanted them to participate on missions with him, but he figured Hisoka would purposefully sabotage them. That's when Illumi said, "y/n allow me to train you." She scoffed and said, "I already have a sensei, and you're not her."

At that point, none other than Elaine burst through the doorway. She was wearing a pink crop top that said, "party gurl" in bubble letters and she wore a short, neon blue skirt with expensive high-heeled red bottoms on. Her tan skin was gleaming with sweat, her naturally brown (but artificially bleached) rainbow-streaked hair was pulled into a low ponytail. She was on the short side but had a muscular, yet distinctly feminine build. She looked unnaturally beautiful to most, but to Illumi she looked like a completely classless hot mess. Her oddly bright blue eyes coupled with her dark skin tone made her look ethnically ambiguous. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Hisoka. She lunged for Hisoka with her aura blasting out anger and bloodlust. At that point, y/n jumped in front of Hisoka and said quickly and frantically, "Not Hisoka's fault, he was being forced to hurt me by that manipulator." Y/n pointed directly at Illumi, smiling and Illumi's eyes widened as Elaine descended upon him.

Before Illumi could jump out the way, Elaine, with lightening speed punched him hard with an uppercut to the chin. Illumi reeled back and used his uninjured arm to punch her in the gut. She twisted out the way and his fist connected with her outer ribs. Illumi was about to attack again when the aura around her changed into a multicolored blurry mess, and she used some type of transmuter attack to change the shape of her aura to wrap around Illumi's eyes and mind. Illumi immediately felt dizzy, and the world became overwhelmingly blurry. He tried to push the feeling away and swing to attack her but it felt like he was moving through molasses. Elaine punched him in the gut as he struggled to regain his balance and the hit from her was so forecful and full of sheer rage it made him cough up blood. It probably would've killed a lesser nen user. As Illumi fell to the ground, against his will he began to laugh deliriously as the world around him melted into some kind of multicolored dream world and he began to hallucinate little pugs with wings flying around a spinning room. Illumi kept laughing and dimly wondered what she had done to him when his consciousness melted into the sticky dreamworld he was surrounded by.

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