Chapter one

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'Home sweet home' I thought as I walked through the entrance gates of Konoha. I'm returning from yet another anbu mission. For the past ten or so years, I've been going on non-stop anbu missions, with the occasional month-long vacation.

I took off my mask and took my time walking to the Hokage's office to give my mission report to lord third. On my walk there I heard mumbles and whispers. "Its that boy." One lady said to the other. One after another. I heard the people talk about this boy. I looked around and seen a little boy with bright blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes.

'He looks just like sensei. Maybe this is Naruto?' I thought to myself as I walked towards him. He bumped into a lady and made her drop her shopping bags. "Oh, I-Im sorry! Let me help you." The boy frantically said as he tried to gather the lady stuff. Instead of accepting his help, she kicked him away. "You brat!" She hissed.

'Who the fuck does she think she is?' I thought.

I walked up to her and glared harshly at her. "Apologize. Now." I hissed. She scoffed, "You expect me to apologize to him? You do know who he is right?"

"I know." I grabbed her wrists tightly and activated my kekkai genkai, my eyes turned pitch black and I stared into her eyes. "Apologize." I hissed.

Her eyes widened and looked down at the boy. "S-Sorry." She said before gathering her stuff and ran away.

I kneeled down at the boy and smiles at him, "Are you okay?" He looked at me with wide eyes and then smiles brightly. "Im great! Thanks!" I nodded and offered my hand to help him up. "How about I walk you home? Im ___, ____ Konton by the way."

"Sure! And I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" He exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you Naruto," I said. After walking for a few moments Naruto spoke up. "Thanks for sticking up for me. No one's ever done that before."

"Don't sweat it." I looked down at him and smiled. "When I'm around I won't let anyone push you around," I said before ruffling his hair.

Naruto's smile widened. "Like a big sister would right?!"

I chuckled and nodded. "Sure if that's how you want to see it."

I walked him all the way to his apartment. "How about you stay for dinner?!" He asked happily. I smiled and shook my head. "Cant," I said, "I have to report to the Hokage."


I ruffled his hair. "I'll be away from the village for a few months because of my next mission. When I get back I'll take you out for some food."

"Really?!" The happiness in his eyes made my heart swell. He's like a big ball of sunshine. "See you then!"

I leaned down and kisses his forehead. "See ya later little brother!" Then I jumped onto the roof of the apartments and ran to the Hokages office.

~~~~one month time skip~~~

Naruto's pov

I sat alone on my swing and watched all the kids play. I sighed and swung slowly while staring at the ground. 'Maybe I made her up?' I thought to myself a lot. Its been about a month since I've seen her.

~~~two months later. ~~~~

I smiled as I walked into the village. Im gonna surprise Naruto while he's in class today! After reporting to the Hokage I walked to the school building and seen all the students outside for... something so, I walked inside.

"Irukaaaaa!" I exclaimed and tackled him in a hug. He blushed and hugged me back. "_-___? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit Naruto."

"Ah, so you're the big sister he's been talking about."

"Yep!" I said and sat on his desk. "How has he been?"

Iruka shrugged. "Still the same troublemaker as always." I shook my head and chucked. "Lord third told me he vandalized the Hokage's faces."

Iruka shook his head. "That isn't funny ___"

"Awww c'mon Iruka he's just... expressing himself." I looked out the window and seen all the students coming inside.

"Don't tell him im here!" I told Iruka before walking up the wall and standing on the ceiling. Iruka chuckled and shook his head.

All the students filled the classroom, and Naruto was bickering with a few students.

"Naruto you keep talking about this sister you have, but I've never seen anyone that looks like her, and I thought you had no family?"

"Obviously he just made it up."

I shook my head.

"Im not lying! I've only met her once but she protected me and said that she'll be my big sister! You'll see when she gets back from her mission!"

"You've only met her once and you call her your sister? Man, that's weird."

"Enough!" Iruka said. The class got quiet.

I bit my lip to hold back my laughs and stood over Naruto's chair. During Iruka's whole lecture Naruto didn't notice me. After a while, Sasuke looked at me. I smiled and waved at him, then held a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. 'I should check up on him more often.' I thought as I stared down at him for a few moments. 'I haven't been around much, but I know what Itachi did. He must be messed up about it, but today is all about Naruto.'

After a while, I got tired of waiting, so I let myself fall off the roof and sat right on Naruto's desk. He screamed loudly and grabbed his chest, and I burst into laughter. "Man I got you good!" I said through my laughter.


"I'm back!"

Everyone in the class stared at me, and Naruto kept holding onto his chest. Iruka chuckled.

"Iruka sensei" One girl spoke up, "Why was she standing on the roof during our lesson?"

I walked over to Irukas desk and jumped up on it. "Well," I crossed my leg one over the other, "I was hoping Naruto would notice be when he came inside, but he didn't."

"Why are you here for him?" Sasuke spoke up.

"Well, my darling Sasuke, I told Naruto that I would visit him when I came back from my mission."

All the girls in the classroom glared at me when I called him darling. 'How cute.' I thought.

"So, are you this sister he talks about?" Another kid asked. "That makes no sense! They look nothing alike!" Another kid added on.

"Jeez shut the fu-" Iruka smacked his hand over my mouth.

"Oh right. Kids... anyways. Yes, I am Naruto's big sister. We're not related by blood, but... I've known him since he was a baby. He's always been my little brother in my eyes... I just haven't been around."

Multiple students started whispering to themselves, or others or asking questions. Then Naruto stood up on his desk, "SEE GUYS! I TOLD YOU I HAVE A BIG SISTER. SHE JUST WASNT AROUND BECAUSE SHE GOES ON COOL MISSIONS, SO SHE HAS TO BE AWAY FOR A LONG TIME."

I chuckled and walked over to him, then ruffled his hair. "I think I've interrupted enough of Iruka's class, so I'll be going. I'll see you when you get out." I said before waving goodbye to everyone and walking out of the classroom.

Okay! That's it for chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the future chapters my darling readers. 

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