Chapter two

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I stood outside and waited for class to end. When it did, Naruto ran up to me with a bright smile on his face. "___! You look so pretty today! What are we gonna do today?"

I smiled. "You're like a little ball of sunshine, and we can do whatever you want to do. I could really go for some ramen though."

"Ramen? I love ramen!"

"So do I!"

"Ramen it is then."

We started walking and eventually, we bumped into Sasuke.

Well, Naruto ran into Sasuke.

"Hn. Watch where you're going." Sasuke said.

"Hey! Who do you think you-" I covered Naruto's mouth.

"Sasuke! I haven't seen you since you were... six? I think?" I said.

"I was seven."

"Oh, yea! How've you been?"


"Yea. I knew his br-... A friend of mine was related to him and his parents loved me, so I used to look after Sasuke occasionally. "

Naruto glared at Sasuke and Sasuke glared back, then he looked at me. "I thought you spent all your time doing anbu missions? "

"Ssshhhh no one should know I'm in the anbu! But I'm currently on my forced, month-long vacation."

"Month-long?!" Naruto exclaimed happily, while Sasuke simultaneously asked. "Forced?"

"Yep! A forced, month-long break."

"Well, we should be going to get ramen. Bye Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed before grabbing my arm and dragging me off.

We arrived at Ichiraku Ramen and sat down. "Hey, old man! One pork miso ramen with extra pork please!" We simultaneously exclaimed.

I giggled and smiled at him. "You have good taste," I said. "So.. What was with the whole dragging me away from Sasuke thing?"

Naruto scoffed and crossed his arms. "Sasuke thinks he's sooo great and everyone likes him. It's not fair. I'm just as good as him! All the girls in my class like him, even Sakura! He can't have you too."

I burst into laughter. "Aww, Naru you're jealous aren't you? And who's this Sakura girl?" I started pinching his cheeks. " Do you liiikkeeee her?" I asked.

Naruto blushed and rubbed his cheeks. "Well... yeah," He said.

"Awwww how cuteee."

For the next few hours, Naruto and I scarfed down bowls of ramen and talked about all kinda stuff. He told me about home, school, friendships, and more.

"Well, what about you ___? Tell me about your friends, the anbu or something!"


"How do you know Sasuke?"

"His brother was in the anbu with me at one point in time. We were really good friends, and his parents loved me so I used to babysit Sasuke."

"Oh... so he's known you longer.."

I shrugged. "Yes but that doesn't mean much. You're the one I've claimed as my little brother after all," I said and then gently put my hand on his head and smiled at him.

When we finished eating and I paid for our food, we decided to take a walk around the village. During our walk, people pointed, stared, and whispered about Naruto and me.

"Its that boy" blah blah blah. It seems like they talk about the same stuff. Yes, he is the Nine tails host, but he's more than that. In the least, he's just a kid and he doesn't deserve to be treated wrong.

I activated my kurome (making my eyes turn pure black) and glared at anyone that said something about him.

"Wha- What is that?! Your eyes!!" Naruto exclaimed.

My eyes turned back to their normal white sclera and brown iris. "Hmm?" I said as I tilted my head to the side.

"Your eyes turned black! How- Why-?"

I sighed and sat down on a bench. "Oh, you saw that? Yea that's my kekkai genkai."

"Kake- what?"

"If you're scared or creeped out now I understand."

"What? No! Why would I be scared? Oh and whats a kake- something."

I smiled. "Kekkai genkai. Its a rare... talent or trait or something that belongs to a specific person or clan. My clan's kekkai genkai is called the kurome."

"Oohhh whats your clan then?"

"Uh Konton. My name is ____ Konton."

"Ooohhh I've never heard of them."

"Well, I'm not from the leaf village, and my clan is dead except for me so," I said.

Naruto stared at me for a second, then smiled. "I have no family either, so I guess this is just another thing we have in common."

I shook my head and smiled. "You do have a family"

Naruto tilted his head and looked confused.

"Me. Duh."

After that sweet moment, Naruto and I sat on the bench together and watched the sunset. After that, I walked him home. "I'll see you tomorrow Naru," I said when we arrived at his apartment.

"Why don't you stay..? Like a sleepover!"

I smiled and ruffled his hair. "I have somewhere to be, and you have school tomorrow."

His smile fell and he sighed. "Yea... You're right."

"We'll have a sleepover before I leave for my next mission. We have a whole month together after all."

Naruto smiled and hugged me. "Okay!"


After leaving Naruto's apartment, I made it to the Yamanaka flower shop right before they closed, and bought one sunflower.

I walked to the cemetery with my flower and stopped at a grave. I looked down at it, then dropped to my knees and gently traced my fingers over the stone. I brushed off the dirt and dust on the stone and cleaned up the area around it, then I placed the flower down and sighed.

"Hey... Obito. Its been a while," I said. I put my hands on my knees and stared at the grave. "I-" I tried to swallow the lump that started to form in the back of my throat, and held back the tears that welled in my eyes.

"I miss you so much. I think about you every single day-" My voice cracked. "I wish you were here. I wish that I didn't have to live with the fact that I'll never get to see you again. Its been years, so I should be used to it right?" I chuckled dryly and wiped away the stray tear that fell from my left eye. "Sometimes, I wish I could get used to it. I want to get used to not seeing you every day, not hearing your voice, not being able to see you smile. I want to get used to the pain of losing you. I wanna get used to this empty and broken feeling I've felt since the day you've died. Maybe If I get used to the pain then it wouldn't hurt as much." By this point, I was full out crying.

"I- I wish I got the chance to tell you I'm in love with you. That's my biggest regret, Obito." I put my hand over my mouth and sobbed. "I don't think I can ever get over the regret or my feelings for you. It's been years and my heart still hurts."

I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. "I haven't been around to visit you much because I'm still drowning myself in anbu missions. Oh! I've finally got to meet sensei's son Naruto. He's just a little ball of sunshine. He's kinda like my little brother, and he sees me as a sister. Um...Lord Third is forcing me to take a month off because I've been on constant missions for a while... so I'll be here to visit you a lot. I'll also go to visit Rin. I know that's probably the first thing you'd do if you were here." I stood up and stretched. "I should be going, I love you," I said.

I turned to start walking away, but then bumped into someone and fell on my butt. "Shit, I'm sorry," I said. I looked up and gasps softly.


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