prologue 2

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Pov: Alexander Russo

I jumped out of bed when I heard Elina screamed and grabbed my gun. Mia heard too and was write behind me. The boys rolled out of bed when we walked out our bedroom we saw our guards on the floor. I ran to Elina room with one thing on my mind please let mi princesa be there. When me and my wife saw our Bambino wasn't there our world stopped I got on my hands and knees an cried screaming

"not me not my Bambina my world I'll kill whoever took you".

Mia came on the floor hugging me and crying with me saying "I know baby we will get her back" while screaming "ahh my baby girl ahhh my baby".

Enzo and his brothers all looked like the world fell on them. I know my son's and me my wife our world fell apart in that moment. I looked in Elina crib saw a note that said " payback's a bitch your worst enemy"

Pov: Enzo and Noah 

We miss our sister, I couldn't believe she was gone. We just got our baby girl. We said we would protect her but we failed, I knew I should have stayed with her Noah and I had so much guilt because we are her brothers the people who are supposed to be there for her. Me and Noah made a deal that night when our baby sister went missing we would find our babygirl and when we did never ever let her go.

No hate, I will try my first book. I'm going to try to update at least 2 times a week, maybe more but I'm starting school tomorrow so I don't know but thanks for the support. I love u guys.

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