Chapter 19

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Pov: Elina Russo

" It was like any foster care home but different from each home, I was abused in hit and smacked but this home was different there was a monster in that house. His name is John and he is the worst of all my foster parents. I moved from my other foster home to this one when I first got there everything started good but, I knew it wasn't gonna last. It never does.

One day John came home drunk and I was in my room upstairs, I heard him start to scream and say "bitch you didn't cook dinner for me." I knew at that moment I had to run when he started yelling, everyone of my foster home when they would yell I knew I was going to get hit. I tried to run down the hallway so I could take the back door to leave because John was by the front door but he locked the back door and he heard me trying to pry the door open. He came running towards me and grabbed me by my waist I kept trying to fight him but grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me by my hair while saying "you whore your gonna learn." After that he raped me for hours while I cried.

"Baby its ok he's not here keep going" my dads says as I'm crying I run off Noah lap and jump onto my dads neck and hide my face in his neck while he rubs my back and say

" Baby girl can you tell me how long this has been happening for" my dad says as he is crying in my hair

"for 3 years since I was 13 teen" I say while my dad keeps hugging me tightly

Before anyone could say something we hear stuff being broken Luis was on a rampage breaking everything in sight when he was final done he came up to me and started to cry.

I look around my room to see all my brother with there faces to kill and I know that there going to kill john. But right now the only person who I don't see is my mom where did she go I think to myself but before I could finish thinking my mom comes down the stairs dressed in a all black outfit with knifes in her hands.

"I'm gonna kill him for touching my baby" my mom says about to walk out the door but before she could my dad gives me to Luciano tells him to hold me and grabs my mom and says to her

" I know you wanna kill him but wait your daughter needs you now"

My mom comes back to the room and comes up to me and says ...

I loves you guys thank for reading and comment and vote

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