Chapter 16

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Pov: Elina Russo

I looked at my family to see Enzo staring at me with a clench jaw and eye's that are demanding to be told what's going on with me. I look at my dad to see him staring at me intensely like he is pleading with me to tell him but is being stern at the same time. I look down to see Luciano on the floor looking up at me I tried to avoid his eyes but he grabs my chin and made me look at him.

When I looked at him I saw angry eyes and a pleading look that says to tell him. I couldn't look at Luciano because he means a lot to me I might not love any of my family but I do care for Luciano the most that's why I can't look at him. I keep trying to pull my chin away from Luciano but he grabs it tighter. I look at him and I knew that I had to tell them.

I look around the room to see that my brothers have gathered around me. I see Luciano and Noah standing my legs while Luca and Luis are by my arms. I look at my mother and farther in confusion until I saw my dad give all my brothers a look that says "do it" and he looks at me and with a look of sorry.

Before I could register what was happening my brothers are grabbing my arms and my legs. I kick Luciano in his jaw an he grabs his jaw so I take that as a chance to get Noah I look up to see him standing up in shock at what I did to Luciano I see his "jewels" open not covered. I kick him in his jewels he falls on his knees holding his "jewels.

"My treasure owww cazzo(fuck) that Bambina that hurt" Noah says on his knees

I look up to see Luis and Luca trying to grab my arms. I pull my arms from Luis and Luca well tried and they pull me I do a back flip off the couch and jump on Luca shoulder and keep in a headlock with my legs. I open my legs from Luciano shoulder's an fall but just like a cat I always land on the feet. I see my family surrounding me instead of Luca he looking at me shocked.

"Bambina what the cazzo (fuck) was that" Luis says

"Princess where did you learn to do that and what's wrong with you" dad say in a soft voice

"Baby that shit hurt what the fuck do you have a good kick please tell us and don't ever do that again I don't wanna lose my baby well my other baby"Noah says

"Baby tell me where you learned how to do that now and what's wrong with you" Enzo screams

"Enzo calmed down you need to breath I know you love her we all do"Luciano says

"I can see it in your eyes your my daughter I know you're in pain I was an assassin I know you went through something worser than me you have to tell us" mom says

She's right what's the point in fighting when I should at least try to talk to them. I walk back over to the couch sit down. I look to see my family looking at me shocked that I walked back to the couch without argument. I looked at each of there faces and saw pleading love and hope but I don't believe In the hope but I will try because they are family. I grab the hem of my black hood and pulled it over my head. Now I'm left in my sports bra with nothing on underneath, I look down at the ground the whole time trying to avoid contact with them.

I hear my family gasp and someone grabs my chin and I look up and see Enzo with a clench jaw like it's about to break with one of his hands in a fist. I keep trying to pull it away but when Enzo yells I stop.

"What the fuck is that"Enzo yells at everyone in the room while holding my chin

Hey I know left you on a cliff hanger I'm sorry I will try and update the next part soon I've been really busy with school so I can't really write that much. I've been had this written so I'll just update this for now. Comment vote and love you bye.

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