Chapter 14

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I know all you guys were mad I left you off on a cliff hanger but, it makes the book more interesting.

Pov: Narrator

The Russo family is waiting to hear what their baby girl is going to say to them. They want their baby to promise them she won't leave. The Russo family members are so quiet that you can hear when a pin will drop. Each Russo holds the same hope in their eyes and love instead of one.

One of the Russo in their eyes she is holding confusion not hope not love lost torn between two things. She wants to be loved and to have a family and to trust others but, she doesn't wanna be vulnerable just to be broken all over again. She doesn't want the pain that comes with love because she knows with love there comes pain. She doesn't want the monsters and demons she has to get worse because of trusting them but, can they fix her and her monsters.  She is stuck at the cross road between what she can trust herself or try to trust her family.

Pov: Elina Russo

"I promise I won't leave" I say looking at my family in a cracky voice 

I'm still in Luis' lap. I cuddle into him more. I look up at my family to see my twin running up to me. He snatches me out of Luis' lap but Luis pulls me closer to him. Edwin pouts and says 

"give me my sister she is my twin" 

"No she she is my baby girl" Luis says 

Showing his big smile that shows his dimple's I didn't know Luis has dimple's he's so cute I think. I smile at him. 

"No come here Bambina come to Luca I'm your favorite" Luca says with a smile on his face

"No I'm her favorite brother I found her right baby" Luciano says while 

Ruffling my hair I hate when people do that to my hair I started to pour and I said

"Don't touch my hair"I say with a big pout 

"Awwww she is so cute" Noah says

"Dad look she is blushing awww" Luciano says 

I try to cover my blush up with my hair but  Enzo takes me out of Luis lap and holds me tight in his. I snuggle closer to Enzo. I don't know why but I care for Enzo. I feel a connection more when he is holding me. 

"How come he gets to hold her? I'm her twin it's not far I asked first" Edwin says while whining like a baby.

I look at Edwin to see a big pout on his face. I start to laugh and giggle. Everybody in the room looks at me and stops what they're doing umm I'm confused what happened.

"She has the laugh of and angel" Enzo whispers 

All my brothers have the same look on their faces as him. I think it's time for me to stop being all lovey with them but I can't help it. I try to wiggle out of Enzo's lap but he keeps his grip on me and it starts to hurt because of my ribs I wince in pain and try to cover it up by sneezing but I was too late when I look up I see all of my family looking at me.

Pov: Edwin Russo

When my twin told me she promises to never leave. It feels like my whole world has stopped. I am so happy that she is trying to accept us. I know you're thinking how do I know that if she never said that I know she is trying to accept us because I can feel it. I can feel her pain ever since she came back. I feel whole again. I used to feel like I was missing a piece of me now that she is here. I can't stop smiling. I love her so much and I always want to be around her. I think I might have to tell dad what I am feeling because I can feel she is hiding something. 

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