chapter 2

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Pov: Elina

Last night John came home and dinner wasn't ready and he said

"you are a lazy bitch" Because I didn't make dinner

"no wonder why your parents didn't want to because you're a nobody. You're good for nothing Leach".

John grabbed a bottle of beer and smashed it across my head, shards of glass came out of the bottle and landed all over my body, one piece of the glass went into  my legs it also went into my arms, my hands,my feet and my face.

I ran away from John begging him to stop"please stop please it hurts"

" you deserved it no you whore stay there". 

As soon as he Left I limped as fast as I could. I didn't care if I would get caught or if someone would take me as long as I am far away from John.

I turned another corner and I saw a side street where there was garbage. I could feel the pain all over my body.

I saw a figures approaching me and one guy grabbed me by my throat and said “stay still and don’t scream this won’t hurt a bit” and he tried to take my shirt off but I kicked him in his balIs another guy come up to me and is starting to unbuckle his pants but I kept screaming

" ah no don't come near me" as the guy was trying to get his pants down

the other guy came in front of me but his hand in front of my mouth and said “shut up you bitch” But I bit his hand and screamed “Help please anybody HELP ME” the third guy I kicked in the balls before says to me “don't worry girl i'll make sure it hurts now’’

all three guys held me down while one had my mouth held shut while the other was about to enter me I thought my life was over with I closed my eyes and braced myself with tears running down my face.

Then out of nowhere they three guys were  being ripped off me by these guys they were like as tall as trees. When one of the guys try to come up to me I thought he was going to hurt me so I started to have a panic attack as the guys that look like trees tried to talk to me, I keep saying

"no get away from me I can't breathe" I started gasping for air I couldn't feel no air coming into my lungs. Then I saw one of the guys coming up to me and I screamed " no Don't touch me no get away"

He says to me " calm down can I see your face I'm not going to hurt you I promise". He sounded genuine, I don’t know why I felt like I could trust him

I pulled my hood off but kept my head to the ground but the guy grabs my chin and gaps at me, maybe it's because of my bruise the cuts shit I didn’t clean them or cover them with makeup, why does his touch make me feel so safe? I thought to myself.

The tree-like looking guy snaps out of his thoughts when one of the other people says ”boss we have to leave” then he looks back down at me and says to me " princess oh my god” he grabs me and hugs me to his chest like I'm gonna disappear.

I try to push him off of me but I can’t he starts to tighten hold then I scream at him

" Who are you I don't know you leave me alone, and let me go Now" 

"Baby girl it's me Luciano" he says while looking me in the eyes

"I don't know nobody name Luciano leave me alone, who are those people" I say pointing to the guards while thrashing out of his grip

"They are my guards princess" he says but before I could get out of his grip all the way he grabs my chin forcing me to look at him while he stands up with me and won’t put me down.

" How do you know me" I snap at him while he's holding my chin

"Baby Girl I'm your uh uh brother" he says in a serious tone  while not letting his hold on me loosen at all

When he said that my whole world felt like it exploded in my face. I jumped out of luciano hold and tried to run but then his guards surround me and I see him coming closer to me and he says " Bambino Don't worry everything going to alright sleep I love you and I will never let you go"

Then all I saw was darkness as he muttered those words never. 

I mean I know I say I'm not going to update that much but it kind of doesn't seem like I'm updating a lot but I don't know if I'm really going to update tomorrow because well tomorrow is my birthday and I kind of school tomorrow and I like online classes and I'm going to get homework so like the comments I really like when you guys say your comments it's really good so I like the feedback if you guys want me to do something tell me in the comments or text me and thanks for liking thanks for reading love you guys.

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