Chapter 10

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GPov: Alexander Russo

My baby girl doesn't trust us her family to hear that come out of her mouth. It hurt alot, Our Bambina said to us "I don't know you guys'.” I couldn't take it. I want her to trust us. We love her so much I know she's not the same girl we saw as a baby but, my baby that I remember wasn't cold. She was full of light and she was always happy. I want to be there for her. How can I be there for her if she won't let us in.

"Mia baby I want our baby to love and trust us I know I'm asking for too much to soon but, I love her so much " I say to my wife

" Honey I know you want her to trust us and you want her love but, baby our Bambina has been through a lot we have to remember that. I love her to she is my only daughter, to know that she doesn't remember us or she doesn't care for us it hurts and I have  a lot of pain knowing that she been thru hard times but we have to stay strong and wait for her to tell us" my wife says

"Your right baby I'll wait" I was about to say something but was cut off by one of my sons screaming.

I ran to Edwin and saw him in the guest room where our princessa was sleeping in. I am holding my gun in my hand while my youngest son is crying. I could see the rest of my son's in the corner of my eye looking at Edwin like he's crazy. 

"Edwin why are you  I thought something happened" I said furiously

"Dad our Bambina not here I looked everywhere for her in mansion I came in here to talk to my twinne but she wasn't not here there was only a note" my son Edwin says 

That I snatch the note out of his hand and read it out loud it says

From Elina Russo

I know I am your princess, your baby girl whatever you call me but I know I'm not your family even though we are blood  related I don't want a family I've already had them I don't need no more I left because I don't belong here with your family I'm not a part of it. I don't believe in hope I gave that up a long time ago. Don't come looking for me.

When he said that everything stopped. That's my baby girl shetkno us no she couldn't or why would she leave us I'm not going to let her go. My baby doesn't want our family. I feel like my whole entire world fell down. No it's not going to be like when she was a baby and she was taken. I'm going to get my daughter back and when I do I'm going to show her that she can't leave us. We love her and we will always find her no matter if she tries to run.

" We are going to find out princess and when we do we are going to show her who she belongs with" I say with angry to all my son's

"It's all my fault I shouldn't of said what I said" Luis my son says

"Yea it is all your fault now my princess is gone because of you I'm going to kill you Luis I don't care blood or not our baby gone because of you" Luciano says 

I look at all my son's and my wife. We all have the same look on our face confused about what did Luis do.

"What did you do Luis" I scream with angry I'm furious

"Um um Imightofscreamedatherandcalledherawhoreandabitchanddraggedherbyherhair" Luis says

"Luis Russo you better tell me NOW" I scream I'm pissed off

"Yea Luis tell dad what you did I'm not playing with you I will kill you" Luciano says clenching his fists

"What did you do Luis why did my twin leave tell me" my youngest son says

"You think what they said is bad i will kill you Luis tell me now my baby girl isn't here because of you I want to know why"my oldest son Enzo says

" Luis you are so lucky I don't kill you tell me what you said for my baby to leave" Noah says

Enzo and Noah are the most protective over our baby girl because when they were younger they were the most heartbroken when she was gone. Enzo and Noah had the most guilt because they couldn't save her from when she was taken, they are her older brothers there supposed to protect her be there for her love her play with our baby but, they were robbed of that Time away from there princess. So finally getting her back meant the world to them and now that's she gone. Enzo and Noah will do whatever it takes to get their baby sister back,

"Luis you better tell me now I am your mother I will beat your ass if you don't"my wife Mia says with so much anger 

"I screamed at her and called her a whore and a bitch and dragged her by her hair" 

Once he said that I saw red I was about to kill him but Enzo beat me to it. Enzo launches after Luis and screams. 

"I'm gonna kill you what the hell is wrong with you why would you do that to my princess"Enzo words were laced in anger  

I look at the rest of my sons to see them holding Enzo back. He has that look in his eyes where he's ready to kill.

"Enzo I know you and the rest of us want to kill him we can't we have to find our baby first" Luciano says

"Luciano right but your not off the hook you better apologize if I found out she left because of you going to be in deep shit" I say

"Dad I didn't know i thought she was one of Luciano fuck buddy I'm sorry" Luis says with gulit

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to your sister I told the security team to  check all of the cameras and to stop all flights from leaving Italy we will find her"say looking at everyone and my wife.

I look at my wife to see something I haven't seen in my wife since we first got married. My wife used to be an assassin before we got married. She looks ready to kill. Something inside of her clicked in.

"Let's go find our Bambina now and you Luis your lucky your my son or else I would kill you" my wife says

I hope you liked it I've been trying to finish this chapter since this morning i was so tired and I've been so busy with school this week I'm trying to update more. I made this one longer for you guys. Comment vote no hate love you guys bye.

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