Chapter 3

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Pov: Luciano

My dad is waiting for me for a important mission he proably thinks im fucking someone like always but I have to stop by one of the guy that owes us money and as the mafia if you don’t pay us back we take your life. This neighborhood is garbage where bums live as I was walking by an alleyway, I heard someone in the alleyway screaming for help like a little girl. I wasn't going to stop but something told me to go back and help that girl I heard. I turn around and walk back to the alleyway and I see three guys hovering over a girl that looks tiny and looks hurt and in pain but I can’t see her face.

In the mafia I learned that no woman should be forced to do something they don’t want to or being raped, I know that people think because we the mafia that we are selfless heartless people but not towards woman there are mafias that are okay with that raping woman but we learned growing up to respect woman.

I looked towards my guards that are following me and gave my guards a look that said " take out the guy on left and right I'll take the one in the middle". Me and my guards grabs the three guys and beat them to a pulp until they couldn't move or even talk right. I went up to the girl that doesn't look older than maybe 13 teen she is skinny, looks like skin and bones, she is wearing rugged looking clothes that have holes and are dirty. When I tried to go near her she screamed for me to" get away from me". I tried again she kept screaming then I see her starting to zone out and kept gasping for air then I  realized she was have a panic attack I told her to He says to me

" calm down can I see your face I'm not going to hurt you I promise".

 When she took off her hoodie I thought I was seeing things, my baby sister the one we lost our Bambina, our princess, our everything. What broke my heart is she is afraid of me and her brothers even though I know she doesn't know me it still hurts to know that she was scared of me.

 I didn’t notice I was staring for too long until my guards told me we have to leave. I grab and hug her so tight like she wasn’t there. I could feel how skinny she is. She is so light. She tries to wiggle out of my arms but I'm not letting her go.

 Then she asks me “who I am and to leave he alone”

 I won’t ever leave her alone. She is my princess. I've just found her and I won’t let her go Now. I look at her and say to her “babygirl  its me luciano "

 When i say that she keeps trying to get out of my arms then says "I don't know nobody name Luciano leave me alone, who are those people"

“There my guards princes” I say even gripping her more

“Who are you? '' she says snapping at me damn my sister is stubborn and has a big attitude. I don’t like her attitude towards me but she doesn't know who I am yet.

“I'm uh uh your brother" I say to her I'm nervous but no matter what Im not gonna letb her go

 I could tell by her face she didn't believe me and she was thinking of leaving, She tries to run from me but my guards block her, I go up to her and grab her and pull her back in to my arms then I pull out the needle that the guards put in my hand behind my back without her knowing and whisper to her

"Bambina Don't worry everything going to alright sleep I love you and I will never let you go" before I inject the needle in her than, she fell unconscious right in my arms.

I know it's wrong to do that to my sister but I don't care. I will never ever let her go even if it means locking her in a tower like rapunzel. After I brought her to the car and put her down on the backseat. I tell the guards to bring those rapists to the plane so we can fly back to italy and when we land bring them to the basement at home. That's what happens when you mess with my Bambina and family. That's why we are the Russo family. People run in fear when we are angry.

Pov: Narrator

Luciano just found his baby sister and is excited to have her back in his arms but he knows he has to get out of America because his dad will kill him if he's not in italy soon. Luciano flys him and his unconscious sister to Italy without her knowing. He hasn't told the rest of the Russo family yet that he's found there light there world the one thing they need to live to survive when he landed in Italy he went straight to there mansion.

Pov: Alexander Russo

What the fuck is taking Luciano so long he was supposed to be back by now we need him for this important mission but no my dumbass son is probably sleeping around right now like the idiot he is. I swear to the Devil when he comes here I'm going to give him hell no worse than hell I'm going to bury his ass. He better have a good excuse. I love my son's don't get me wrong but they never listen.  

Little did Alexander know his baby girl is at home waiting for him all because of Luciano.

I know I said I wouldn't update today but my birthday is sucking today and I'm bored as hell plus I'm on break right now and I have shit to do. So you know, comment. I love the comments and vote read. I try the best I can no hate I seriously don't know when I'll upload I guess when I feel like it. I love u bye.

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