Qalb 3

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Noor was called downstairs or in other words dragged by Haya as the party was still left and everyone was asking about her. After Zaamin's arrival Noor's chirpiness seems to be lost somewhere. Haya and Hooriya announced they are about to start truth and dare so everyone should start gathering. All the cousins got excited Hassan sat on right side of Noor with Danish on his other side and Haya set on the left side of Hoor. This arrangement was not at all appreciated by Zaamin  cousin brother or not he couldn't share Noor with anyone. Before he could speak up he saw Noor frowning he didn't understand and when he saw on  his left he saw Aiza (Zaamin's cousin) and Neha whom Noor didn't like a bit even as they always used to taunt Noor on something or the other. What Noor didn't know was Aiza had eyes on Zaamin and seeing distant behaviour of Zaamin in past she thought she still has a chance (oh boy how wrong she was) (Aiza is unaware of the nikkah she just thinks Noor is interested in Zaamin). Zaamin couldn't tolerate Aiza so he started coughing and asked Hassan to get him a glass of water and as Hassan left he quickly went and occupied his place. This didn't go unnoticed by Aariz who smirked and made a mental note to tease his brother and there couldn't be a better chance to take bribe from his brother to keep his mouth shut. 

Aiza irked seeing this and pouted "Zam why are you sitting there forcefully come sit here we need to catch up on alot plus i am staying overnight today so that we can recall old days together" If Zaamin did an acting of coughing back then now he was coughing hysterically Noor giggled and helped Zaamin by rubbing his back and giving him water which Hassan got for him. Hussain understood the situation and said with a smile "Aiza let's play the game first, and he came back here after years so even we need some family time with him". Aiza mentally smirked thinking "fly Noor and company but i also know how to cut your wings dont worry my plan is all set and ready to burn you into ashes Noor". Aiza then smiled and replied "yeah sure let's begin with the game."

The bottle first stopped at Zeeniya and Hooriya, Zeeniya asked Hoori "So missi truth or dare?" Hooriya acted as if thinking and then said "dare dare dare" Zeeniya smirked and told her the dare "You see the guy there the one that aunty was trying to fix you with earlier go to him and no you are not talking to him just adding some extra extra salt in his drink and serve it to him go my friend, if you want Noor can come with you to the same with the other brother" before she could even complete Zaamin interjected and held Noor's hand "Noor will not go near that man" Zeeni rolled her eyes and said "Bhai we know Noor is yours and only yours but those guys need to be taught a lesson so let them go it will be fun too" listening to Zeeni's explanantion Zaamin left Noor's hand and Noor being Noor didn't do what she was told instead she mixed extra spices in custard and presented it to the guy batting her lashes the guy started blushing and took the custard before he could shout Noor shoved a piece of bread in his mouth and said "Even if you are the last person on Earth i wont marry you, you make me feel disgusted despite the fact that i am wearing hijab covering myself properly, your stare makes me feel naked keep your eyes lowered or Allah saves you from me you donkey." Zaamin held Noor's hand and took her from there asking others to continue the game and they will join them later. Noor was about to close the door when Zaamin kept his foot in between and entered as if he owns the room, closing it behind himself. Noor raised her brows asking what was all this when Zaamin came too near invading her personal space so close that she could smell his breath and could hear his heartbeat as well. Zaamin then asked huskily "does my stare disgust you Noor? do i make you feel uncomfortable if i do so i promise i wont do that anymore" Noor looked at Zaamin in awe he was worried for her this means her mother told her right a while back.


"Noor why  you came running here is everything alright bache why are you crying?" Noor couldn't take it anymore hugged her mother and soubbed loudly then narrated the whole incident that took place downstairs along with her feelings. Her mother smiled and explained "Noor just put yourself in Zaamin's place he had lost his baba his baba was ill when your nikkah took place how would he be happy when everyone was sad here tell me? You act so stupid sometimes have you noticed the way Zaamin looks at you that is the most innocent way and the halaal way one would look at you Noori jaani he did a mistake of not informing you but here check my phone there wasn't a day when he wouldn't ask about your well being. See he even asked for your pictures just to see how beautiful his Noori looks." She looked at Zaamins chat shocked her mother was right he was concerned for her, her mother then added "the circumstances in which your nikka took place was not favourable sweetheart and even if it would have been me and your baba would have been against you guys living under the same roof and talking more often you guys were young this would have adversely effected your studies. Everything happens for a reason jaani leave everything on Allah and go pray two rakah salah and seek his guidance and then see what your heart says" Noor at once did what her mother said. Her heart now felt light and she decided  to give Zaamin a chance there pair was made by Allah then who is she to object there will be many ups and downs but she cannot let their relationship break. 


Noor cupped Zaamin's face and told him "Zaamin if there is someone who makes me feel comfortable and protected its you and only you. Yes i am upset and you will have to make it up for that but i can never feel disgusted by you." Saying this she kissed his forehead. Zaamin who was in a deep shock snapped out of it when he heard her giggling who was standing at the door ready to run but before she could reach further Zaamin caught her and twirled her. Noor's laughter felt like a music to his ears and his heart felt content but Noor cannot be Noor if she doesn't spoil a perfect moment "hello mister stop grinning you must not forget you still need to earn my forgiveness i am still upset dear husband" Zaamin frowned listening to this and let out a loud sigh "okay medam but let's go join them or they will start assuming things." Neha who witnessed the scene took their pictures secretly and planned to expose them tomorrow because she hated Noor as Noor always got everyone's attention and care and not her. This used to irk her and she thought tomorrow at the breakfast table she will expose the real face of Noor. 

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