Ishq 4

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It has been 3 years since Ayesha walked out of his life, three years of his misery when he couldn't handle his emotions anymore he shifted to Islamabad. Haris tried his best to find her but now accepted his defeat thinking Allah was punishing him for his deeds that girl put in so much efforts day and night to win his heart and now when he wants nothing but to hold her near him wants to listen to her sweet voice.

His thoughts were disturbed by a tug on his leg where a boy was trying to hide behind his legs and a girl was finding him. He used to come to this park very often as the cheerful faces of people and kids here helped him forget his own problems he wished if he would have been able to find Ayesha and seek her forgiveness then they would also be a happy family like them. "uncle please don't tell Aina i am here." Haris chuckled at the boy's request and instead did something unexpected "Aina the little devil is hiding in here." "Ayan come out here mama will be so angry you cannot take help from strangers come out fast." Aina glared at Ayan who was shocked by the betrayal he just faced. Coming out of his shock he narrowed his eyes and said"Uncle i asked you not to tell this fatty about me hiding in here but you did the opposite Mama was right stranger uncles are bad, come on Aina i am your elder brother let's go away from here come follow me." Aina was some one who could not tolerate someone ruling her with sassiness dripping from her words she replied "Ayu we both know you are my twin so we are same age stop acting as if you are my grand father will you? Everybody knows i am the sensible one here so you shush and follow me." Saying this she flipped her hair and was ready to turn around when Haris who was amused by their banter stopped them "babies my name is Haris and i am not a stranger now since i told you guys my name and i know yours so friends?" he asked after thinking a lot Aina forwarded her hand and dragged Ayan's hand when he showed no movement.

"Where is your mama kiddos?" Haris asked the kids and as if it they woke up from their deep slumber they jerked his hand and said "we need to leave uncle bye." He chuckled looking at their back but Aina turned around came running to him gave him a kiss on his cheeks and left. Haris was too shocked by her behavior first she was the one scolding Ayan then she herself came to him and kissed him this kid was totally like him bipolar nature. He was smiling to himself when he saw on the other side of the park his eyes had gone wide the woman he was trying to find since three years is standing here. She has changed so much she looks much thinner from the last time he saw her, she was looking for someone he was busy gazing at her when someone came i between and when he rushed to that side where Ayesha was present he didn't find her. It was as if a hope was given to him he thanked Allah that at least he got a hint where Ayesha is she is here only and he hoped he would be able to find her soon. 






QalbOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora