Ishq 3

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Haris woke up from his deep slumber due to the continuous ringing of the door bell. Groaning inwardly he got up and went to open the door shock was evident on his face after seeing his parents gracing him with their presence early in the morning, well morning for him. It didn't take long enough for his parents to notice the disheveled state of their son who was still present in his office clothes and shoes were not removed as well. Moving aside he let his parents enter and at once called Ayesha not getting any reply he rushed to the room to check where she is and why isn't she replying. Seeing their empty wardrobe last night's events crashed upon him Ayesha left him he slapped her how can he raise a hand on woman his mother never taught this to him how could he get drunk how could he be so wrong and so blind in hatred that he forgot all his morals and values how could he.

Haris went down to his parents and knew there is no use to hide the things anymore he accepted everything and told all the truth to his parents. His mother after listening to her son couldn't keep her calm and slapped him twice "you could have for once told me that you were against this marriage what was the need to spoil the life of that poor orphan i cannot believe you both and what about you Haseeb why did you force him in this marriage was this business this fame so important to you Haris that you used Ayesha as your ladder for success i failed as a mother as woman not only this you did the forbidden you got drunk and showed your stupid manly power by slapping her i loath you Haris i don't know anything about business but you are not my son anymore stay here and stay alone i am ending all my ties with you." Saying this his mother left the apartment with Mr.Haseeb following her. Haris was drowning in the pool of shame it was as if someone has shown a mirror to him and he was not able to face the reality. 

On the other hand Ayesha contacted her maternal aunt and told her everything she also reunited with her two best friends and she decided to move away from this city so that Haris can never contact her it was as if she had decided to end all ties with him. In all this her khaala and her friends supported her. after few days she shifted to Lahore after selling her father's house in Karachi and bought a new one here she also started teaching in a school though she had a lot of savings left with her but she didn't wish to take any risk she also changed her number. 

Today Ayesha had an appointment with the doctor for her normal routine checkup and today would be her first ultra sound. From morning only her mood was not good as she also needed some attention. love and affection but got none making her cranky. "This gel will feel a little cold on your tummy relax okay" said the doctor Ayesha nodded doctor frowned looking at the screen and this didn't go unnoticed by Ayesha she felt her heart stopping. "What happened doctor is my child okay why are you looking like this please tell me my child is safe." Doctor turned towards Ayesha held her hand and told her to look at the screen "there is not one but two little beans there your children are doing perfectly well have a look at them." Listening to this and the heartbeats of her two little munchkins got her eyes teary and couldn't thank Allah enough.

In this span of three months Haris was living like a robot first he was thankful that Ayesha left him now he will be able to live in peace and will convince his ammi however this was just the starting of his destruction. His mother was true to her word she could not kick him out whenever he came to visit his parents but she surely left the house till he doesn't return back. Ali met with an accident and was now unable to walk he was feeling guilty for instigating Haris against the pure soul just so that he can see Haris in a remorseful state and a lonely person just because he himself didn't have any relationship after this accident he called Haris and apologized for his mistake "Haris since i was born i never got any attention from my so called parents they were so busy in their social life and their business that they forgot that they have a son as well who would be crying for them yearning for their care but failed to give one. I didn't have any siblings to share my misery with then i met you you were one of the best human that i had ever met when i used to come at your place and see your mother's love towards you the ways your father used to praise you i used to be jealous and then one day you told me you would be getting married i despised you not only you got best parents but such a pretty naive wife who was so innocent so pure. Whenever you used to tell me you are feeling something towards her i used to filly our ears against her so that you could leave her just don"t leave her Haris and please love her the way she deserves she is such a gem and if possible forgive me i am already repenting for all of my sins in snatching all the relationships from you Allah left me lonely i am sorry bhai." Haris was so shocked listening to his confession he stayed still for few hours his friend back stabbed him and played with him and his feelings. 

Next day without any other thought he went to her late father's house she was not there he came to know she has sold that house he called on her number but it was not in use of Ayesha but some other man. He even went till the extent of hiring investigators the result was still the same they couldn't find her.


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I want to thank all of you for such a great response on my previous chapter of Ishq really feeling over whelmed thanks alot guys.

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