Qalb 5

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Aiza was so angry at her sister seeing her plan just going into vein she took such a big risk played with her dignity just to get Zaamin but what she didn't know was love is earned and cannot be snatched forcefully. Zaamin gave a slap to Aiza and without giving any explanations or listening to anyone left from there. Noor and youngsters also left but Aiza's mother was not someone who would sit back and see her daughter getting ruined she demanded Zaamin and Aiza to get married this instant, as per her who would marry her daughter now. Mr.Shafey asked all of them to retire to their room and that they will talk tomorrow in the morning and decisions of marriage are not some joke which will be taken in a second tomorrow he will let everyone know what has to be done related to this matter everyone should leave right now.

Zaamin was crying in his room regretting why even he decided to help Aiza knowing how cunning she can be, how could he not help her when his mother had taught him how to respect the ladies and treat them as their own mother or sister. More than anything he was worried what Noor will be thinking about him today only his relation had been stable and again  there is a storm ready to destroy him and his wife. Noor knew what she had to do she wont let her relationship break any fool would even understand how theses sisters were trying to defame her husband and ruin her relationship they have suffered alot not anymore with this thought she went to sleep. Early in the morning after praying fajar she went to her grandfather's room he motioned her to come sit near him she sat there and taking his hand in his told him "Dado you remember few days back you came and asked me whether i am ready to give Zaamin a chance or not i have my answer dado." she closed her eyes, dado gave her hand a little squeeze asking her to continue "i want the rukhsati to happen as soon as possible there are many people who are trying to ruin my relationship with Zaamin i even have proof. Yesterday night when Aiza had called Zaamin we were together his phone was on speaker as we were eating i heard Aiza asking Zaamin to help her because her ex was beating her up Zaamin went to help her and i rushed to get a shawl for her so that i can quietly take her inside the house without anyone noticing it while Zaamin will deal with the guy. I had no idea she could go to this extent in hatred for me. As far as the pictures which Neha shared are concerned Zaamin was apologizing and i decided to forgive him he couldn't contain his happiness idiot i even told him someone would see but then it's Zaamin we are talking about. As far as the proof is concerned you can call Ahmed bhai when he was coming back from duty he saw how Aiza was shedding fake tears when on call he was going there to help her but then all this happened just as we were about to reach there Aiza did that disgusting act to trap my innocent husband how dare she even lay a hand on Zaamin." Noor was huffing in anger Mr.Shafey with a hidden smile asked "can you smell something burning Noori?" Noor who didn't understand him tried to smell but couldn't smell anything burning. Mr.Shafey then laughed out loud that's when Noor realized what just happened she got shy and hid her face in her Dado's arm. "okay okay come on let's go for breakfast everyone must be waiting."

They reached dining area and as usual Aiza started with her fake drama of crying and playing the victim card. Everyone was already present and seeing nobody saying anything Aiza's mother started "it's morning  now may i know what you have decided uncle my daughter's respect has been ruined she has been played with now please can you give her some justice you are a man of rules." Zaamin fisted his hands looking at Aiza and her mother. "Yes before that i would like Ahmed to add a few words regarding to scene he witnessed when he was returning back from work." Ahmed narrated the whole incident and after to listening him the expressions of Aiza and her mother was worth watching the youngsters were having difficult time in controlling their laughter Zaamin couldn't thank Allah enough. Mr.Shafey then added "As faar as Neha's stupidity is concerned stuff like these are normal between husband and wife their nikkah is already done and next Saturday we will be having their reception so whatever functions you want you can plan before that and you two my sons make an announcement of their marriage and invite everyone." Mr Waleed and Mr Sami agreed. Aiza shouted "what? how is this possible Zaamin i love you look we know you dont like Noor you can divorce her" Before she could continue she again received a slap from Zaamin  then Zaamin went towards Noor, held her hand and stood in front of Aiza "listen for once and for the very last time stop with these filthy act of yours. You are a woman at least respect yourself how can you stoop so low i love only one person and that is this girl standing beside me i lover her and only her and will continue to do so till my last breath got it? get over with your cheap planning and plotting acts. And yes i don't want to see your face during my wedding functions got that? stay away and take your family with you." 

Aiza and family left from there after soo much insult and then Zaamin thanked his grandfather and got a reply "if there is someone you should thank then it should be your wife not me she told me everything when she was with you when Aiza had called to your reception she decided everything i am just the spokesperson of my princess." Noor blushed at this while Zaamin mouthed her later. Everyone got busy making plans having smiles on their faces.




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