Chapter 12 The Student Council

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(Y/n) POV
"What do you mean you don't go here?" Rei broke the silence.

"I.. don't go to this school, I go to TSA... not.. TSAC.." I looked down at my lap, 'I don't want to be here anymoreeeee! It would be better if darling was here but she's not!'

The sound of a slap interrupted my thoughts, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Hiromi was holding the back of her head while crouching on the floor.

"You falsely accused a TSA student and knocked her out on top of that." Rei sighed.

"Apologies, for her and that we haven't properly introduced ourselves yet." Rei faced me.

"My name is Rei Takehito, the Vice President of the student council." She showed her red sash that said, 'Vice President.'

"That right there is Sakiya Yoko, the President of the student council." The light purple haired girl waved and smiled at me.

"Those two are Ami Kumiko and Hiromi Beckley. The Treasurer being Ami and the Secretary being Hiromi." Ami waved curtly as Hiromi just huffed and pouted getting another smack in the back of the head.

"Last but not least is Tama Kuro, our Public Relations manager." He nodded and smiled at me.

"Together we are the student council of TSAC."
She seemed to shine as she announced their title.

"A-alright, uhm... I need to deliver those sheets to class C-1 since we got our forms mixed up..."
She seems disappointed that I didn't react with... awe?

"R-right." She clears her throat, "Tama can help you." I nod.

I grab the box and start to leave but get stopped, "Ah! Wait!" I turn, "Hm?"

"What's your name?" (Hey! Haven't we met? I thought so too. Your name is...)

"Ah! My name is (L/n) (Y/n)."

"Nice to meet you (L/n), you're welcome anytime here, as an apology for.." Rei coughed, "knocking you out." Hiromi grumbled.

"O-okay, thanks." We walked out.

It was silent for a bit before Tama decided to break it, "Sorry about them, they can be a little.. intense." He chuckled.

I nod, 'Curse my anti-social barrier.'

He sweat drops, "So, do you have anyone you're with?"

I sputter, "H-huh?" I stare, 'Is this guy..?'

He waved his arms, "No no! I'm not like that! I already have a girlfriend!" He smiles nervously, "Sorry if it came off as if I was trying too hit on you."

I slowly nod and look back at the empty hallway, "I do." I mumbled.

He whistled, "Who is it?"

I bite my lip, "I don't know if you've heard of... them..."

He raises a brow, "Are you just not telling me they're a girl or do they have they/them pronouns because I respect that."

I flinch, "It's a girl..."

He smiles, "That's nice, what is she like." I blink, "Eh?" He laughs, "What? Did you think I would hate you because you had a girlfriend? No, of course not. You would be surprised to know that Sakiya and Rei are actually a couple. Ami and Hiromi have a crush on each other but they don't know it yet." I nod.

I see C-1 in the distance, "Well... she's sweet, caring... loving, very loving. She has such a beautiful smile and great fashion sense... I think... I'm not one for fashion. She listens to me rant about my interests though that's mostly because she stares at me while drooling." I laugh, "I don't mind though, she loves me for me and only me. I love her and we love each other, add cuddles and food to the mix and you can have my hand in marriage." I joke and laugh. He laughs along, "You've got that right, we could be twins if that's how we each think."

I laugh and stop at the door. I open it and walk in, "No one's here?" I raise a brow and look at Tama, "It's gym." He's looking at a clock that says '1:12'.

"Alright, I'll leave these here then." I set the box on the pedestal.

"Nice, now we can go. I'll see you to the bridge."

I nod, "Sure."

We walk and talk about each of our girlfriends, laughing, trading jokes. We could probably be brother and sister by how we were acting.

"Alright, we're here." He takes his arm off my shoulders. "You weigh like a ton." He laughs and ruffles my hair, "You're just short and tiny."

I huffed and smacked his hand away, "Bigfoot."




I laugh, "Fine fine, let's call it even." We shake hands, "Deal."

"You should come over more often pipsqueak." I get a little annoyed at the nickname but ignore it, "Alright, maybe sometime next week or something- ah!"

I grab out a crumpled paper airplane that I stuffed in my pocket when I was bored, "Got a pen?" He nods and hands me one.

I hesitate to write my number on it since my yandere girlfriend would probably get mad if I handed my number out to someone she doesn't know.

"Actually how about you just do it, give me your number?" I chuckle nervously.

He nods, "Sure thing, I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, likewise."

He hands me the paper and I give him back his pen. I start to cross the bridge, but remember something, "Ah! Wait!"

He pivots and looks at me, "Yeah?"

"I forgot to tell you my girlfriends name!"

He face palms, "Mine too!"

"Say it on three?"

He nods, "One!"



"Kirikaku Minako!"

"Masami Hana!"


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