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A/n: I've decide I'm gonna post all of livs outfits on top when it's her pov ☺️


"Liv you're gonna be late!" My mom yelled up the stairs

I gave my hair one last run through in the mirror before running down the stairs.

"I love you bye" I said walking out of the door. I squinted at the bright light before I spotted Nate's truck parked across the street. I walked to the door and pulled it open. His head snapped towards me.

"Good morning princess"

"Fuck off" I said shutting the truck door

"What's your problem?"  He said the truck starting to move

"Nothing I'm just tired"

the next few minutes were silent until he spoke again

"Let me take you out tonight"


"Why not" you could tell he was irritated

"Because Nate, I don't want to go out with you, this, us, will never be a thing"

"Thats not what I gathered from last night" he smirked

"Last night was a mistake that will never happen again"

"We'll see about that" he said parking in the school parking lot

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, I spotted Cassie and walked over to her

"You have a lot of explaining to do" she said looking at me with the most confused look she could give me

I sighed

"I didn't tell you but the night of the party, something happened with Nate"

"What happened?"

"It's kinda hard to explain but he basically pushed me up against my car and like tried to seduce me the night of the party I guess? I'm honestly not quite sure what happened"

"What the fuck Liv why didn't you tell me"

"Because I was confused and I didn't want to get you worked up over nothing, but then my mom met his mom and then dragged me to dinner at his house. And uh basically we ended up making out in his bedroom"

"Liv are you fucking stupid? Nate Jacobs, out of all the guys to make out with you pick Nate Jacobs the biggest dick in our school?"

"Will you keep your fucking voice down" I said

She sighed and gave me a look like a disappointed mom

"All I'm saying is you and I both know he's no good, so I don't know why your setting yourself up to fail"

"We kissed once, it was a one time thing it will never happen again, but um can you take me home today?"

"Yes I'll meet you after practice" she said finally lightening up and giving me a small smile

"Thank you"

I hear the bell ring which signal I need to get my ass to class

"Bye cass" I say as I walk away

I walk into chemistry and for some reason there's only 1 seat open, and of fucking course it's right next to Nate

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath as I sit down

Nate doesn't say anything, thank god I don't want to fucking talk to him.

"Hey Liv" Charles said coming up to my desk

Charles Baker was the second best player on the football team, next to Nate who of course who was number 1. Charles was good looking, like really hot actually

"Hi Charles" I said giving him a sweet smile. I see Nate turn his head towards us out of the corner of my eye

"You going to the game on Friday?"

"Probably, why?" I cocked my head, trying to be flirty because I knew it would piss Nate off, I could practically feel Nate's anger from here

"I was thinking maybe we could grab dinner afterwards"

I smiled before I said anything, pretending to think about it

"I would like that, here" I scribbled my number on a piece of ripped paper and handed it to him.

"I'll see you Friday" I winked at him before he walked away to his seat

I didn't even look at Nate, I just went back to looking at my phone.

"What the fuck was that" he leaned in my direction and whisper- yelled

"What?" I played dumb

"Your not actually gonna go out with him right?"

"I mean yeah, why the fuck do you care, it's none of your business"

He turned back in his chair

"Ms hall, Olivia and I need go check out some books for a Biology project?"

What the fuck was he doing

"That's fine" she said

He's stood up now towering over me, he gave a look like a 'get the fuck up' look. I knew he was serious, I also knew what he could do to me if I didn't get up. I shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up.

As soon as the door was shut behind us, Nate grabbed ahold of my wrist and started walking down the hallway fast, it was hard to keep up because he had such long legs.

"Nate where the fuck are you taking me"

"Stop talking"

Soon he opened a closet door and shoved me in

"What the fuck Nate!"

"I said stop talking!" He boomed making me feel like a child

"Listen you don't get to make out with me in my fucking bedroom and then accept and date the very next day!" His body moved closer to mine closing any distance between us

"And your not my boyfriend, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do"

"Now let me the fuck out of this closet"

He didn't move, it was dark and I could barley see him. Before I knew it Nate crashed his lips on mine, it took me a second to realize what he was doing but soon enough I kissed back, he slipped his tongue in my mouth and his hand made its way down my body. It's like I wasn't in control of my own body, I knew doing this was gonna fuck me over in the future but it felt so good right now.

I knew I had to stop this before it got too far


"Hmm" his lips were now against my neck, slightly sucking on in

"We can't, not here"

He looked up at me and smirked, planted one soft kiss on my lips and then walked out of the closet, leaving me absolutely star struck. Fuck, how the hell am I gonna get out of this one.

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