Thirty Five

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"So he's back with Maddy already?" Cassie asked as we walked to track

"I guess"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I've got a date on Friday"

"With who?"

"Charles" she gave me a funny look

"Why are you giving me the disappointed mom face?"

"Do you think that really fair for Charles? Using him as a rebound?"

"You did the same thing with Daniel"

"Daniel is a Dick, Charles is one of the only nice guys at our school"

"Is it really cause you want to go out with him or is it just to piss off nate?"

"He's doing the same thing, I mean the only reason he's back with Maddy is to piss me off"

"I don't know maybe I over reacted, maybe I should just talk to him"

"Liv he cheated on you"

"It's more complicated than that"


"Never mind, I'll see you later" I said waving her off

"Are you really going out with him?" Nate said catching up to me on my way to the car

"Are you really going out with Maddy?"

"That's different"

"No it really fucking isn't Nate"

"Can you at least talk to me"

"I am right now"

"I met up with Jules, it's over"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"What the fuck do you want me to say?" He threw his hands up in the air

I ignored him and continued walking

"I'll kill him" he said as I got into my car


"I'll kill Charles"

"You're an ass"

"I miss you" he said through the window

"Me too"

"I have to go" I pulled out of the parking lot

Addicted- Nate Jacobs Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat