Twenty Four

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Nate didn't talk to me the rest of the weekend. He knew I was pissed. And I was. I don't understand, he says he loves me and then he goes and hurts me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I'm doing to upset him

I was laying in bed, in the same pjs I've been in all weekend. I've only talked to Cassie a couple and I didn't tell her what happened. The bruises are the worst they've been, dark and purple. Luckily I can cover those ones easily.

"Sweetie, Nate's here to see you" my mom said peeking her head in my room

"Tell him im not here"

"Honey I really think you guys should talk. It's not good to bottle things up"

As far as my mom knows Nate and I had an argument, nothing more than that

"Fine tell him I'll be down in a second"

She closed my door, leaving me to question the decision I just made. I'm not scared of Nate, I never have been. I'm just scared of his actions, his behavior, how he treats me when he's mad.

I got up and put on a new pair of sweatpants and slipped on my shoes. I left my hair in the messy bun it was in.

I could hear my mom and Nate making small talk as I came down the stairs, something Nate's not very good at.

I gave my mom a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the door. Nate followed, closing it behind him. We both got in his truck but didn't speak. The silence was killing me. For some reason this hurt more than when he choked me. Not physically of course but emotionally. Sure he shouldn't have choked me but I guess I chalked that up to us not really knowing each other that well plus Nate was distracted and freaking out about the whole tape situation.But when he grabbed me like that at the party and pinned me against the truck, he knew what he was doing, he doesn't have an excuse.

"I'm sorry" he started. Feels like he has to say that more and more these days. And each time it feels like he means it less

I didn't respond, I just looked out the window locking my hands together in my lap.

"I was drunk and- I don't know mad I guess"

"At what though? That's what I don't understand"

"I don't know"

I rolled my eyes and turned my head back towards the window

"I love you"

"You haven't been acting like it"

"I know"

He pulled into an empty parking lot and put the truck in park.

"Can I see?"

I stumbled at his question, why does he want to see the bruises?

I leaned forward in my seat to take my jacket off. I pulled my sleeve down to expose the purple marks that have taken home to my body. He lightly and gently grabbed my arm examining them, kinda like a doctor. After a second he let go and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly.

"I don't know why I keep hurting you"

I pulled my jacket back on and leaned back myself.

"I'm so fucked up liv" he turned his head to face me and the streetlight provided just enough to light for me to see the tears rolling out of his eyes.

I reached my hand up to his face, cupping it and wiping away the tears.

"I'm sorry"

"I know. It's okay"


A/n: hope you guys like the chapter! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for 3k reads that crazy! I appreciate it so much!

Also I really need you guys to give me some good ideas for future chapters, I feel like I covered all the big things in the euphoria storyline so I really need some ideas.

Make sure to comment and vote!

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