Forty Eight

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The next two weeks were pretty depressing. I didn't talk to Nate at all except to officially call it off. Christmas passed and my mom took me on some vacation to see my aunt and uncle, which was nice because it actually took my mind of Nate for a week. But tomorrow was the first day back and next Friday was the dance. The one I had been so excited to go to, with Nate. I was still mad, but more than anything I was upset, and confused. I've done everything for Nate and I would do anything for him. I never gave him a reason to cheat on me, especially with Maddy. But he did. And there's nothing I can do to change that. I thought he loved me, I hope he stills does.

But maybe I should do something to piss him off, to make him feel the way I did.

I parked in my normal spot, next to Nate. My plan was to pretend like I was fine, like I was over it because I knew for a fact Nate was not. Cassie had been updating me while I was out of town. According to McKay Nate was not doing good at all and in some sick way that brought me a little bit of joy.

Of course Nate was standing by him truck talking to some guy about football. I got out and continued to talk to Cassie like I didn't even notice him, but I could feel his eyes piercing into the back of my head as I walked away, and it took everything I had not to turn around and look at him.

I made sure my outfit was a little too revealing for Nate's liking. Today I was on a mission- to piss Nate off as much as I possibly could. And that started with wearing something that showed off everything i had to offer

Cassie and I made our way to the lockers and I could hear the whispers and feel the stares.

"You're pretty popular" Cassie said jokingly

"No Nate's popular" I rolled my eyes

"So what are you gonna do for the dance?" Cassie said as we arrived to our lockers

"I don't know, I don't know if I'm even gonna go"

"The fuck your aren't!. You're going to that dance"


"No that's exactly what he wants, you need to go to that dance looking like the baddest bitch alive. And show him what he's missing"

"I'll think about it"

We parted ways and I went to the class I was dreading, the one with Nate. He was already there when I walked in and I didn't look at him. Instead I walked right to my seat and and started up conversation with Kat

"Hey Kat"

"Hey Liv, I'm surprised you're here" she furrowed her brows

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know with the Nate thing"

"So, we broke up. Doesn't mean I can skip school"

"Plus he's a lying cheating asshole" I snarled looking his way

"We warned you" she laughed

I smiled and rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair.

Nate stared at me the whole class and I liked it. I liked that he missed me. I liked that he was getting mad I wasn't talking to him or even acknowledging him.

The rest of the day was spent with a big fake smile plastered on my face. I flirted with every boy that came up to me, especially if Nate was around. I made sure to look as confident as ever and walk with my head up. It sounds stupid but I think it really got to Nate.

"Can we talk?" Nate said as I walked up to my car

"About what Nate? How you fucked your ex girlfriend?" I said getting in the drivers seat

"You are so god damn stubborn"

"I don't date cheaters, if you call that stubborn, then I guess I'm stubborn"  that was a lie. The truth is I missed Nate like hell and wanted so bad just to give in and take him back. But I couldn't, not yet anyways


"I have to go. You might want to move before I'm tempted to run your ass over" I gave him a pissed off look

He backed up and rolled his eyes, clearly pissed off. One part of me wanted to make Nate pissed off, make him feel hurt and jealous. But another part of me feels bad for the way I'm making him feel. I know how he feels, he did the same thing to me with Maddy the first time we broke up. It's a horrible feeling but to be honest, he deserves it.

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