Twenty Eight

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"Okay mom I'm off"

"Hey before you go I wanted to talk to you" oh god, that's never good

"What's up?"

"I got a call from your principal yesterday"


"He said that they have collages calling him, asking about you"


"Yeah, have you thought about collage?"

"I mean not really, it's still kinda early"

"It's never too early, maybe just start thinking about it, schedule a meeting with your principal maybe?"

"Yeah ok mom" I said giving her a kiss

"I really have to go"

"Have fun, tell the Jacobs I say hi"

"I will"

For so reason I was more nervous than the last time I had dinner with Nate's family. From what I've heard they've been pretty critical of girlfriends. They're a 'distraction' and I don't want them not to like me. I mean they wanted me over for dinner so I guess that's a good thing.

I pulled up to the Jacobs house and parked. I took a deep breath before stepping out. I smoothed out my dress and tightened my grip on my bag before waking to the front door. I ring the doorbell and took a step back. Within a few seconds the door opened and I was greeted with Marsha.

"Olivia sweetie, come in, we've missed you" she said pulling me into a tight hug. Her perfume made me sick.

Cal walked out of the kitchen and walked up to me

"Olivia, it's good to see you" he also hugged me and his hand went a little too low for comfort.  While still hugging cal I saw Nate exit his room and basically run down the stairs. Cal let go and walked back in the kitchen

"Dinner should be ready soon, make yourself at home" Marsha said before going in the dining room

"Hey" Nate said coming up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist

"Hi" he leaned down and kissed my lips gently

"I missed you"

"I saw you yesterday" I laughed

"I'm sorry in advance for this stupid fucking dinner. We can say we have a project or something"

"It'll be fine"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me in for one more kiss. I followed Nate into the dining room where Marsha was setting up plates.

"Here let me help" I grabbed a plate from the stack

"No, sit down dear, your our guest tonight" she grabbed the plate out of my hand

I smiled took a seat in one of the chairs. Nate sat down next to me. He leaned in and whispered

"My dads being an asshole tonight"


"He's mad I spent the night"

"Great, so he's mad at me"

"I don't fucking know"

I but my nails nervously. The last thing I need is ca being upset with me. He can ruin our relationship if he wants to.

Marsha, cal and Aaron walked in and set the food on the table. Cal took a seat at the head on the table and gave me a fake tight lip smile. The food began coming around and once everyone's plates were full Marsha proposed saying grace

"Mom we never say grace" Aaron said

"Well we're starting" she said holding her hand out

Nate grabbed my hand and I grabbed Marsha's

"God bless this meal and thank you for this wonderful food you have blessed us with. Amen"


Everyone began eating until cal spoke up

"Olivia, how's track going"

"It's good, we have all- state next week. I think we're gonna do good"

"That good. Hopefully you can manage everything, you know with this relationship and all"

"Dad" Nate said trying to silence him

"All I'm saying is, you both have very important things going on, you wouldn't want to get distracted"

"I think we're managing it pretty well" I gave him a reassuring smile

"Olivia we missed you at the carnival, we'll after the whole situation" my smile immediately dropped thinking about that night and I could feel Nate's hand tense up on my thigh

"Oh I had to go i home, I had a curfew"

She nodded her head. Finally the conversation shifted to something else and I could finally take a breath. Soon we finished our food and I declined dessert, stating I was too full, when I reality I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

"Well it was wonderful seeing you Olivia" Marsha said going in for a hug

"You too"

Cal gave me a hug next. Even though he might think I'm a distraction or whatever, I think he might like me, at least I hope so.

Nate walked out and to my car.

"You wanna come over? We can watch a movie or something"

"I can't, McKay invited me over to his house for some game that's on tonight"


"Have you talked to Cassie?"

"Not since yesterday, I don't want to like pry, your right it's not my business and it's not my problem"

"Hey if it's not too late after I'll swing by"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

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