Fifty Five

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"This isn't a good idea" Nate said pulling in the driveway

"We have to do it, I'll be fine"

"You promise you're okay?"

I nodded my head. He came over and opened the door for me. He gripped my hand tightly as we walked up to the door

Nate took the key from his pocket and slowly unlocked the door. Soon cal was standing there in front of us, making me press harder into Nate's side, trying to find any sort of comfort in such a uncomfortable situation.

"May we talk upstairs?" He suggested

"Right here's fine" Nate  said shooting down his idea. I was glad. I never want to step foot in that office again

"Okay, look I don't have a lot to say. What I did was wrong and I know that and Olivia I am extremely sorry"

I didn't say anything, instead I dropped my head to look at the floor

"I'm willing to do something for you if you do something for me" he offered

"Why the fuck would we do anything for you" Nate spat

"Just listen. I know you have the tape. I'm willing to pay for an apartment for you Nate and for college for you Olivia, if and only if this stays between us, the tape, my wrong doings, everything"

"Can we have a minute?" I asked quietly

Cal nodded his head and disappeared into the kitchen

"I don't want to do anything for that fucker, but we could make this all go away" Nate whispered

"So we're gonna let him bribe us? So he has something to hold over us whenever he needs it?"

"Olivia you don't understand what it's like living here, this is our way out"

"I just want this to all be over"

"This is the only way we can make it go away"

I hesitated for a second before nodding my head. A few seconds later cal walked back into the room

"The apartments fine but I don't want your college money" I said gaining some confidence


"I will start looking here soon, I'm sure Nate will stay with you until then"

"Yeah I am"

After gathering some more of Nate's things we were finally back into his truck and heading to my house

"How come you don't want the money?"

"I want to have the least amount of ties with him as possible"

He nodded and dropped the conversation there. I stared out the window and tried to push cal out fo my mind
A/N: hi! I took a break for the holidays but I'm back and will be posting more regularly!

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