Fifty Four

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"I don't want to go" I said pulling my covers over my head

"You've missed like 3 days" Nate said pulling it back below my head

"Yeah well I have a pretty good reason"

"Come on just for one day please"

"Fine" I said huffing and getting out of my bed

"Hurry up, we're gonna be late" he gave me a kiss on my cheek before I disappeared in the bathroom and got ready

"I have to go back today" Nate said as he parked in the school parking lot


"He texted me and said if I don't come home he's gonna call the cops"

"That's bullshit"

"I know, he'll be lucky if i don't kill him"

"You would kill yourself before you killed anyone else"

"Yeah you're right, come on let's get this day over with"

The rest of the day went by miserably slow, I made up some bullshit excuse to Cassie why I was being weird. I feel so bad for lying to her but it's the new normal at this point. I've lied to her about everything, but what's my other option, tell her everything and risk her slipping to someone. That would put me and Nate in some serious trouble. We've both done some pretty fucked up stuff that there's no excuse for but I've accepted it.

Now I was in my last period, waiting for it to end even though it was going by torturously slow. I looked to my side to see Nate walking in the door. Which was really weird because he wasn't in this class

"Ms. Peterson, Mr wager sent me down to get Olivia, he needs to talk to her"

She nodded her head towards me and I gathered my things and walked out behind Nate

"What does Mr. Wager want?"

"I made that up, my dad texted, he wants to talk to both of us together"

"Hell no" I laughed and continued walking down the hallway

"I'll be there the whole time, Olivia We don't have a choice"

"There's always a choice"

"Yeah there's a wrong one and a right one and we have made the wrong one too many times"

"And going and talking to him is the right one?"

"Olivia he could put me in jail, he knows I have the tape that's child pornography even if it's my own dad"

"Nate he wouldn't do that, he would get busted himself for fucking a minor"

"Maybe, but my dads like me, a stubborn asshole, we can't risk it"

"Fine, but I swear to god-"

"I'm not gonna leave your side"

He leaned in and kissed my forehead

"We have to go right after school"

"Great" I said sarcastically
A/N:   so like this chapter was boring at I know but next couple should be good so watch out for those!

Tysm for 27K!

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