Forty Six

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"You look busted as fuck" Cassie said getting in my car

"So do you" I laughed

"So what happened after Nate dragged you out"


"Really? He seemed like super pissed"

"We went home, nothing happened"

"Liv do you think I'm stupid?" She turned towards me

"What?" I asked confused

"Do you think I don't see how angry he gets, the bruises on your arm, the 'random guy who choked you' the night of the carnival" 

My face went pale and my heart started racing. I'm busted, my best friend has figure it out. I mean I'm not shocked, Cassie may look dumb but she's not

"Hes abusive Liv"

"He's not"

"Really? So you're telling me you like it when he hurts you"

"He's not abusive, he just gets mad sometimes"


"Listen you can't say shit, I've seen the guys you've been with and they're just as bad. Yeah ok sometimes he gets mad, but you don't see all the good he has, no one does"

"Liv I'm just worried for you, I don't want you to get hurt"

"I know, and it's my decision. I love Nate"


The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silence until we got to the dress store
"This ones cute" Cassie said speaking for the first time

"Ehh it's kinda bright"


"What about this one?"

"I like it, it would look cute on you"

"Liv I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset"

"No I'm sorry, I get it, you're just trying to help" I said going in for a hug

After hugging it out we finally got back to normal and had a pretty good time dress shopping. I was really excited about mine and it looks really good on me. Cassie also found a really pretty pink dress.

"You ready?"

"Yeah let's get out of here"
"Nate hasn't texted me back all day" I said taking a bite of my food at lunch


"That's weird he always texts me back"


I couldn't tell Cassie but Nate not texting me back sent me into more panic than she would ever realize. I was constantly worried he was in trouble or doing something to get him in trouble, or if he was ok

"I'm gonna go over there after lunch"

"Your crazy" Cassie laughed

"Yeah maybe"
A/N: Juicy juicy juicy chapter coming up soon, stayed tuned!

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