Fifty Three

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"Olivia honey can you come here for a second?" My mom called me from downstairs

"Yeah what's up mom" I said from the top of the stair case

"I uhh just got a call from Cal, he wants to talk to you about college"

"Why would cal want to talk to me about college?"

"I don't know but I think you should go, he's very high up in this town, he has a lot of power"

"Fine, but it seems weird"

"It's your boyfriends dad, he's not weird"

"Yeah okay" I said turning around

"You better go over there soon"

"Yes mom" I said rolling my eyes

Why the fuck does Nate's dad want to talk to me about college? Shouldn't he be taking to Nate about college, not his sons girlfriend. I really didn't want to see Nate or his family at all after he blew up on me which by the way,was totally out of pocket. I still wasn't really over it but I was giving Nate a couple days to cool off and hopefully he would apologize. He says he doesn't want me to leave him and that I'm all he has but then he goes and does dumb shit like this

I arrived at the Jacobs home and and noticed Nate's truck wasn't there, on one hand it made me relieved but in the other it made me weary. Cal freaked me out, he made me uncomfortable and he's just straight up an ass, it's where Nate gets it from I guess.

I knocked on the door and shivered from the cold while I waited

Soon cal opened the door and invited me in.

"I'm glad you came"

"Yeah" I said politely

"Here let's go to my office"

I walked behind him up the formulaic stairs and walked into the room next to Nate's. I had never been in there before, it had a desk and a couple of chairs in front of it.

He sat in on the desk while I took a seat in one of the chairs in front. His demeanor was weird, he was being casual and not stiff like normal

He got up from his seat and walked over to a drawer, he reached in and pulled out a blunt. What the fuck was going on?

"I hope you don't mind" he said before lighting it up

"No it's okay" I said shifting uncomfortably

"You want some? I know you kids love this stuff" he said reaching his hand out towards me

"No thank you, I don't do drugs"

"Really? I guess I thought all teenagers did"

I smiled awkwardly

"My mom said you wanted to talk about college?"  I said trying to shift the subject and get this conversation over with

"Yeah, if I'm being honest I don't want to talk about college with you"

"Oh" that's when I started to panic, this was not going to be good, I could feel it in my gut

"I seemed to have misplaced something"

"And I think you know where it is Olivia" my heart started to race

"Where's the tape Olivia" he said getting more stern

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said my breath getting more shaky and my palms getting more sweaty

"But I think you do" he stood up and came towards me. Once he came as close as he could he put his hand on my face, cupping it. I tried moving it away but he was stronger and held it in place. He shoved his thumb in my mouth. At that point the tears started rolling out. I was terrified and I was trying to think of anyway to get out of the situation

"Does this look familiar Olivia?" he said shoving his thumb farther into my mouth

I did the only thing I could think to do and I bit down as hard as I could. He pulled it out immediately and grabbed my face hard

"Tell me where it is Olivia, or bad things are going to happen"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I scream- cried

"Don't lie Olivia" he shoved me against the chair, preventing me from getting up no matter how much I squirmed

"Tell me where it is!" He screamed in my face

"Fuck you!" I spat back

Before I could blink I heard the sharp slap on my face and felt the sting immediately after. I started to cry and push back harder

"I didn't want to have to do this Olivia, but you've left me no choice" he moved his hands from my shoulders to the bottom of my shirt and started to rip it out of my pants. Oh my fucking god, he was gonna rape me. And do god knows what. I pushed back even harder and started to scream, the panic rose to 100% and my adrenal was kicking in like crazy. I fought and fought and for a good 3 minutes I sat there trying to wrestle him off me, all while screaming.

I heard the door barge open and when I looked over Nate was standing there. Without hesitation he went full speed after his dad. As soon as Cal was off me I jumped up and ran out of the room. I was not sticking around and waiting for Nate. God knows what he was gonna do to that fucker.

I got to my car but for some reason I just couldn't leave. I was honestly afraid Nate would kill him, which is the last fucking thing I needed right now

Still crying, I hesitantly walked back into the house and back up the stairs. Once I got the room Nate was still on top on his dad, beating the absolute shit out of him.

He looked up for a spilt second, locking eyes with me. He could see the look of terror on my face. He got up from the ground and came towards me. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I just cried in his arms as we walked out his house. He kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again

He put me in the passenger seat of my car and got in the front. My tears finally stopped and the shock set in about what just happened. Without a word Nate drove off and didn't speak until we reached the end of the street where he stopped and parked

"Olivia I-"

"It's not your fault"

"What did he do to you"

"He was gonna ra- oh my god" the tears started to come out again as the realization set in

"He was gonna rape me" I cried

We sat there for the next hour, both of us crying as I told him what happened. If Nate hadn't come who knows what would have happened. Cal would've done some terrible things. I was still in shock. I didn't know how I was gonna recover from this
A/N: plot twist...

Did you guys see this coming? I honestly didn't even know where I was gonna with this one but I'm happy with how this chapter turned out and I think it adds some interesting story line for the next few chapters

Let me know what you guys thought in the comments!  Make sure to vote on the chapters! Ty!

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