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"Liv!" I heard someone yell at me as I was walking to Nate's truck

I turned around to find no other than Maddy herself. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"No wait liv, I don't want to fight you I just want to talk"

I stopped once I reached Nate's truck, why the fuck does she want to talk to me? I turned around to face her as she caught up to me.

"Listen, I'm not telling you this because I like you or anything, but Nate is no good"


"No Olivia I don't have a lot of time so just listen"

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my heel

"Nate is abusive, when we were together, he would do things to me..." I could see tears starting to well I'm her eyes

"Maddy Nate has been nothing but good to me"

"Yeah until you get comfortable with him, until he knows your 100% trusting of him, then he gets violent and mean and controlling"

"What do you mean?"

"Last year, he choked me, he left bruises all over my body, he toxic Liv"

"Why are you telling me all this stuff Maddy?"

"Liv as much as I hate you, I don't want to see you get hurt"  she looked back over her shoulder and you could see Nate walking towards the parking lot

"Listen, do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you" she started to walk away and before Nate could could reach the truck she was gone

"What was that about?" He seemed mad

"Oh just nosey Maddy in our business"

He gave me a weird look, like he knew I was lying

"Are you sure that was it?"

"Yeah, let's get out of here I'm starving" I gave him a big smile and handing him his keys trying to move on from the situation. I could tell he wasn't buying it though

I got into the passenger side of his truck and we sat in silence as he drove away. Was what Maddy said true? I knew Nate had a little anger problem but not enough to physically harm me. Maybe Maddy was lying, maybe she just wanted Nate all to herself.

"I really wish you wouldn't lie to me"

"What do you mean?" I said already knowing what he wants

"What did Maddy really say to you?"

"Nate it doesn't matter"

"Olivia tell me" his voice got deeper and his eyes grew darker

I sighed knowing I wasn't gonna get out of it

"She told some things that happened between you two" I looked down at my lap

"Like what?"

"She said you choked her, and hurt her, that you were controlling and that I should stay away from you"

"Liv none of that is true, Maddy is a liar and she's just jealous"

"Of what?" I laughed

"We're not in a relationship" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"She can have you if she wants too"

"Hey" he placed his hand on my thigh

"Maddy means nothing to me anymore, you're all I care about"

"I don't understand"

"You don't understand what?"

"How you're so sweet to me when all I've heard about you is terrible things from other people"

"I don't know Liv, I don't care about what other people say about me, and you shouldn't either"

"I don't, if I did I wouldn't be in your truck. That's for sure"

He laughed at my comment

"My moms not home, maybe we can just go back to my house?"

"I thought you were starving?" He chuckled

"I am....just not for food"

Addicted- Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now