Ririka Momobami

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(F/N)'s POV:

"L-look at that!"

"What's going on?"

"Why do they have the Vice President trailing behind them?"

I sighed as I heard all of the whispers of the other students. Yes, I do have the Student Council's Vice President following me right now, but I have no idea why.

I don't remember doing anything to catch her attention, I haven't even gambled that much this week. It just sort of happened yesterday morning.

Ever since yesterday morning, she's just been following me around wherever I went. She would even follow me into the bathroom; not in the same stall, just the bathroom itself.

I made it to class. I turned to the Vice President, stepping back a bit. "Well, I've got class so you can't follow me in here", I said, hoping she would back off for a bit.

I quickly turned around and walked into the classroom, not giving her a second glance before sitting down at my desk. I put my head down on the desk, not paying attention to what was going on around me.

I began to hear students whispering again, making me lift my head up, only to groan softly.

The Vice President was sitting at the desk beside me.

After all, she is the Vice President.

• • •

It was now the middle of the day, lunch hour.

I was sitting in the back of the cafeteria somewhere, the Vice President sitting right beside me.

Of course, the entire cafeteria saw this, they were just way too afraid to ask me about it, or come sit with me.

I don't like the students here anyway, so this doesn't really bother me.

I could feel the Vice President staring at me, making me really uncomfortable. I finished my food and went to stand up, only for her to copy my actions. I just let her be and went to throw my trash away, her following me yet agaim.

As I made my way out of the cafeteria, I went outside to get some fresh air. I could feel her presence behind me, making me roll my eyes and turn back around to look at her.

"Hey, you! Why the hell have you been following me?! You've been doing this even since yesterday morning!" I yelled, making her jump. That was the first 'response' I've actually gotten out of her.

I knew she wasn't going to answer me, so I thought of the next best thing.

I walked over to her and snatched her mask off.

I stared at her wide-eyed expression. She really was the spitting image of Kirari; the Student Council President.

She looked at my face for a solid second, squeaked and quickly looked back down.

"Well? Why have you been following me?" I asked again, hoping for an actual response this time.

"I..I like being around you."

I blushed slightly at her response. Honestly, I thought she would be just like her twin, but these two are total opposites!

I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn't notice Ririka walking up to me. That is, until she shyly intertwined her fingers with mine, making me gasp slightly.

She used her free hand to take her mask back, putting it back on.

"(F/N), I really do like you. I don't know what it is, but you make me feel at ease.

I just stood there and listened to what she had to say. Even though she is the Vice President, she seems harmless. Of course, that doesn't mean completely harmless.

"So, will you accept this confession, (F/N)?"

I looked at her and I took her mask off again. I leaned in close to her face and pecked her on her forehead.

"Yes, I accept your confession Ririka."

Requested by @SomeWeeeeb.
Hope you liked it!

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