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Jisoo watched as Renjun's stance became darker, eyes burning a crimson red- his black wings appearing- the edge of it brushing against her arm

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Jisoo watched as Renjun's stance became darker, eyes burning a crimson red- his black wings appearing- the edge of it brushing against her arm.

A sudden vulnerability fell over Jisoo as she was forced to remember how she was a human- unable to defend herself and she panicked internally.

Before she could speak, a figure emerged with heavy steps from the camouflage of the trees.

Jisoo's heart dropped upon seeing the creature, standing at more than 6 feet tall- it's silver blue eyes slitting towards the two.
"It's...it's a Lycan." She whispered, loud enough for Renjun to hear as the werewolf like creature stepped into the river and monotonous began walking through it.

Its fur matted with water that oozed from its figure- snarling as it's canine teeth sharpened.
Jisoo stepped back when she saw it advancing on her- her hand gripping onto the back of Renjun's shirt to pull him back.

"We need to leave."
"No, you need to leave." Renjun corrected, "you're human."

Her heartrate quickened, swallowing the dryness of her throat as the Lycan's indomitable stare burned into her.

Its heavy breaths with spit drooling from it's mouth made Jisoo's gut churn- the bareness of her back devoid of any wings made her feel so small, so insignificant.

She saw the veins in Renjun's arms glow red, the colour gradually eliciting up his arm until she saw it again at his neck.

Her eyes fell to the Lycan that had now stepped out of the river and was not that far from them both.

Renjun stepped forward with his fangs barred but was held back by Jisoo who stepped forward and in between them.

"Stop." Her one word command through her defiant yet calm tone made the creature halt- it's eyes burning into hers.

The Lycan tilted its head, it's rough heavy breaths filling the air.
Jisoo felt Renjun's uncontrollable rage grow as he moved to lunge at the creature but Jisoo held her arm out- his chest hitting her extended arm.

His silver hair fell over his obstinate stare, her honey glazed brown swirls feeding into his own indomitable red ones.

"Get out of my way." He uttered out through gritted teeth and Jisoo shook her head.
"Violence isn't the answer, violence shouldn't be the first action."

Renjun scoffed at the girl.
"You're stupid, no wonder why you got your wings taken from you." He spat out.

Jisoo didn't react, she didn't do anything but smile, she didn't get angry.
"I'm not stupid," she claimed softly, rid of any bitterness. "Sometimes jumping to conclusions isn't any good."

The Lycan stepped forward until he was an arms length from the girl- looking down at her.

"What's your reason for being here?" She started, missing Renjun rolling his eyes as she tried to see past the angry, scariness of the Lycan.

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