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The darkness consumes you yet all I see is the light you withhold.

Jisoo followed Renjun through the familiar gates into the breathtaking scenery that never failed to amaze the girl

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Jisoo followed Renjun through the familiar gates into the breathtaking scenery that never failed to amaze the girl.

"How did you find this place?" Jisoo inquired, watching as the blue horizon adorned with seamless clouds lit the place up with the bright yet soft sun rays.

Renjun shrugged in response.
"I found it and came here when I wanted to be alone."
Jisoo hummed in response.
"I understand, sometimes being alone is nice- do you enjoy your own company?"

"Sure." He replied nonchalantly, not really too engaged into the conversation as he stopped by the bench that overlooked the river.

"Waterfalls are pretty." Jisoo commented, gazing at the waterfall and trailed seamlessly into the river. "I've never seen one before coming here."

"Why, was heaven a jail?" He retorted but was met by silence.
"Not a jail...it's just different from earth. Everything there is mainly bright yet muted, pure. Angels there are always kind and you don't feel endangered."

Renjun brought his camera up to his eye to check if he was all set up as Jisoo stood near him looking out to the forest.
"Sounds boring."
"It isn't, it's a nice place to be in. How's um..."

"Hell." He finished and Jisoo uncomfortably nodded, her mind attempting to envision what the place could possibly be like.

Renjun's answer was yet to come but he overlooked the piece of paper full of their objectives again.
"Hell," he muttered. "Fire, dark, dangerous- the usual."

"Oh...I'm sure the fire makes it look pretty?" She tried, smiling and Renjun glanced at her and raised a brow at her.

"Or not? Yeah, fire could be pretty intimidating and scary- you should keep safe and-"

"Sweetheart," he interjected humourously, causing Jisoo to flicker her eyes up to him, watching as the darkness turned into red swirls which conjured up a chilling shiver up her spine.

Renjun held his hand out, palm up as a spark of fire appeared hovering over it, Jisoo swallowed her words as the yellow, burnt orange and red sparks floated in the air.

Almost as if the fire was taunting her proudly as it's destruction was on edge, the blaze of danger gleaming in her eyes as she watched it light up the surroundings.

"I control fire, I'm made out of fire." He spoke, his lips etching into a smirk that tugged on the corners.

It lit up her smooth porcelain like skin, her aura of innocence and purity disturbed by the gleaming orange reflection upon her.

Though terrified, she didn't move. She hadn't seen fire close up like this, Jisoo was always sheltered by the depths of the celestial world she lived in all her life.

Heaven was all she knew but here she was, faced directly with the creature of hell.

Infernal and divine heavily contrasted each other, the malevolent destruction faced by the seraphic bliss.

Renjun's eyes raked over her expression, the way her eyes widened at the side of the blazing fire, the light that danced enticingly upon her skin and lit up her honey brown eyes with the reflection of red.

She was so close to something she had been forever reminded of its evilness. Something which Jisoo was constantly reminded that would only cause harm.

It was so alluring to the girl that her chest seized up, the breath hitching at her throat.

Renjun closed his fist, the infernal flare ceasing and the light of destruction disappeared.

Jisoo tore her almost entranced gaze from his hand to his eyes, blinking softly a few times to rid her sight of the intensity.

She didn't speak, perhaps too shocked by the sight she was faced with that she lost all train of thought. For all her life she associated fire with death, fire was evil.

But fire...

Jisoo's eyes fleeted to his eyes, the darkness that was present devoid of any emotion but whenever his demonic possession flared up and turned the darkness to red, she could see past the locked up emotion.

Almost as if she could see directly into the heart and soul he sheltered, a glimmer of the real him.

...fire was as beautiful as it's opponents.

fire was as beautiful as it's opponents

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