Chapter 28

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Alessia POV

"That's funny because I didn't know I had one," I rolled my eyes, turning the blond boy to face me. "Just go, Carson."

"It's Kyle."

"Whatever. If anything I'm doing you a favor. Bye, Jason," I waved. He stood over me for a second before moving on.

Jonathan made his way over to me. And he looked pissed. This should be fun.

"I see others have decided to join the party," I glared at him, distaste laced in my words.

"Sia, let's just go home," Kayla looked between me and Jonathan. He just stood there looking at me, his arms crossed. I couldn't tell if he was too upset to say anything or he didn't know how to explain himself. Probably both.

"I don't want to, Kayla. So why don't y'all stay, too?" I kept my eyes locked with Jonathan's.

"I'm tired and you know how my parents are. It's already 11."

"Parker can take you home. I'm staying." I finally looked away from Jonathan and pushed myself off the wall. I tried to make a dramatic exit, but unfortunately, the tequila hit me first. I tripped over myself as I brushed past Jonathan. I prepared myself to hit the ground, but a pair of arms wrapped around me instead, pressing my backup against their chest. It doesn't take a genius to know who it was either. I pushed Jonathan's arms off of me without even looking.

"I thought I made myself clear. Do I need to spell it out to you?" I hissed at him. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me. Again." Both Kayla and Parker were taken aback by my sudden change in tone.

"Alessia, you are gonna get yourself hurt," he looked at me, an almost blank expression on his face.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child."

"Stop acting like one."

"Kayla, you're right. Let's go." This time I was prepared when I walked away. I was able to make my way out the door without stumbling.

"Sia, just hold on one sec," she yelled after me. I made it all the way to my car before the others caught up to me.

"She can't drive," Parker said to Kayla.

"Nah duh," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't take this out on him," Jonathan said.

"Fine, do you want me to take it out on you then? I sure as hell will."

"I think it'd be fair to explain myself first."

"Don't waste your breathe."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That I'm drunk as shit and won't be able to remember any of this in the morning. So there would be no point. I'd wake up and be mad at you regardless. At least wait til I'm sober."

"She has a point," Parker laughed under his breathe.

"Dude, who's side are you on?" Jonathan turned to him and gave him a shove.

"Oh right. Um, Alessia, you don't have the full story. When your mom approached Jonathan at the shop-"

"Wait," I cut him off. "You knew all along, too. Why did everyone around me know but me?"

"I wanted to tell you, Alessia. It's more than what you think I can promise you that." Jonathan looked over at me with his stupid sad brown eyes that made me want to forget everything and kiss him right there. But I couldn't.

"Sia, why didn't you tell me that you got in a fight with Jonathan?" Kayla asked.

"It was more than a fight, Kayla. Jonathan and I are done, believe me. Since our relationship didn't even last a full 24 hours, I didn't see any point in telling you. Just like everything else between us, it meant nothing." I made sure to point the last part towards Jonathan.

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