Chapter 15

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Before I begin this chapter, I want to dedicate it to justjoshingyourtots Your comments made me smile so much. Thank you thank you thank you. All of my loveeee.
Jonathan POV
As I pulled into Alessia's driveway, the front door of her house opened quickly. I got out of my car to see that it was her mom appearing to be leaving.

"Hey, Jane," I smiled, cringing a little at the name she insisted I call her. I was just so used to saying ma'am and Mrs. As I approached the front porch, the short woman didn't seem to hear me. Looking up she clearly was upset, dried tears on her cheeks. Finally noticing me, she jumped back a little and put on a smile.

"Oh, Jonathan, dear, I didn't see you there," she said weakly. "I think Alessia is in her room, so you might have to call her down. I have a dinner to be at, goodbye." She quickly walked away to her car and drove off, not looking back. That was very weird of her.

I walked through the front door and placed my stuff at the table. After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to head up to Alessia's room. Going through the hallway and upstairs, I knocked on the door I had gone through two days before.

"Mom, I really can't do this right now," she yelled. "Please leave me alone." I heard her sniff her nose. She was crying as well.

"It's Jonathan, Alessia. Your mom already left," I said softly through the door. "Are you okay? Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," her voice cracked. I heard her start to walk around in her room. "I'll be down in a second, just meet me downstairs." I hesitated by her door before doing as she asked. I waited probably another ten minutes before she came down. I stood up from my seat as she walked in. When she did I noticed something was off. The girl in front of me was wearing a pair of gym shorts, an old tank top, and a sweater. Her normal confident aura was gone. She seemed as though she felt two inches tall. This wasn't the normal Alessia.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I've had a small cold today. I probably should've told you not to come since I didn't go to school today," she sniffed and pushed up the pair of glasses she was wearing.

"Oh no it's fine," I smiled and sat down as she did. Instead of her normal place next to me, she sat across the table. "Do you feel up to it? Not to be rude but you look horrible?"

"Wow, thanks," she mumbled. "Yeah I'll be ok. Let's just get started." Nodding, I pulled out some papers to review the worksheet she was supposed to complete yesterday. She took them and got out her own sheet. After a few minutes, she seemed to have lost focus. This happed a few more times before I took them from her.

"You know what? Let's do something else."

"Like what? English?"

"Nope." I began to pack up my things, picking my bag up off the floor. Alessia stared at me like I was crazy. Instead of saying anything, I just picked up her stuff and placed it in her school bag.

"Um, Jonathan what are you doing?" I looked at her for a second before continuing.

"Come on. Head out to my car. We are going for a ride," I smiled and walked towards the door, expecting her to follow. I made it all the way to my car before she stepped out of her house, a confused and somewhat annoyed look on her face. Anything was better than the one she had come downstairs with. I opened my passenger door for her to get in. She hesitantly got in and strapped on her seatbelt. I closed the door for her and got in behind the wheel. Buckling my own seatbelt, I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the gate.

"Jonathan are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"It's a surprise. You can turn on the radio." I motioned towards the system. She turned it on to some pop station before turning to me again. She was obviously annoyed at my vagueness.

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