Chapter 17

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Alessia POV

"You bitch," the mad blonde in front of me spat. Cat was standing in front of our table, dressed in her normal designer clothes and matching bag. In one hand she held her phone, another holding some expensive coffee.

"Cat, what are you doing here?" I asked, shifting on my feet nervous.

"What am I doing here? I think I should be asking you the same question. Aren't you supposed to be tutoring?" She cocked an eyebrow at me before glancing at Jonathan, steering her glare at him for a second.

"Well yeah, but I wasn't feeling well and-"

"Oh save the pathetic excuse. Damien told me all about it," she folded her arms and took a step forward. "How you are a lying little slut, sleeping around with your supposed tutor. What a great cover story really?"

"He told you that." Of course he did. Anything to get that blame of him, since we all know he isn't capable of being a piece of shit. "It's not true, Cat. I would never cheat on him."

"You know, I thought the same thing. Seeing as how you two broke up last night, I knew you'd be upset. I thought I'd surprise you with your favorite coffee and let you explain everything. But it's kinda funny," she fake laughed, tossing her hair back, "as I was on my way home I happen to glance in the window of some shop. Low and behold, there is my sweet friend. Holding hands with some guy."

"It wasn't like that, Cat," I tried to explain. All she did was scoff in annoyance.

"Here's your coffee, whore," she hissed at me. Cat took the lid off of her drink and lifted it up. Before I could even realize what she was doing or what she said, I was doused in coffee and whipped cream. "You are lucky-"

She was interrupted when a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Cut it out," Jonathan said pulling her back a little bit.

"Don't you dare touch me," she turned towards Jonathan, venom on her tongue. All of a sudden there was a loud pop, her hand colliding with his cheek.

"Get out," a voice said from behind Cat. Looking past her, I saw Parker had emerged from the kitchen, looking more pissed than usual.

"Excuse me," she hissed at him. "Who are you?"

"The person who is gonna call the cops if you don't leave now," he walked around the counter towards us. He towered over her, not removing the rigid look from his face. "I said now," he repeated when she didn't move.

"Whatever," she threw the now empty cup in his face before shoving her way towards the door. When she left, both of the boys turned towards me.

"Are you okay, Alessia?" Parker walked another step towards me, reaching out for my arm. Without thinking I flinched, before nodding.

"Yeah I'm fine," I smiled weakly. "At least now I smell like the inside of a bath and body works," I laughed them off. Neither of them joined in. Instead I was met with looks of concern and you guessed it more pity. "Jonathan, I should be getting back. Do you need any help cleaning up, Parker?"

"No I got it," he nodded slowly.

"Let's go, Alessia," Jonathan said and led me out the door. When we made it to back to his car, I turned to him, my eyes on the red mark across his cheek.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my hand reaching to touch his face.

"You are seriously asking me that. After everything that happened to you in there?" He smiled at me weakly, his eyebrows knitting together. His eyes went over my wet clothes and sticky hair full of whipped cream. "Here you should have my hoodie." He reached for my hand, landing on my wrist. I hissed in pain, drawing my hand back quickly. In the process of doing so, my cardigan slipped off, showing off my fresh bruise on my shoulder from last night. I tried to pull the sweater back over me, not meeting my eyes with Jonathan's. I know he saw it.

Picture PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora