Chapter 22

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Alessia POV

"So how's Jonathan?" Kayla smiled up at me.

"Fine. He's literally over there if you want to ask," I shrugged.

"No no I'm good," she licked her ice cream cone. "So are you gonna admit you like him now or?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh my goodness. It's so obvious, Sia."

"How?" Something couldn't be obvious if it wasn't true. I didn't like Jonathan like that. He was a friend. That's it. An amazing friends, but that was all. Sure I thought he was appealing in some ways, but that doesn't mean anything. Sure he was cute in his own ways. The messy curls that covered his head made him stand out in some ways. The way he was always smiling showing his dimples off. But it's just appreciation. Nothing else.

"You literally don't stop smiling whenever you are near him for starters. And not to mention the fact that you were so jealous when we walked in."

"Jealous? I was not jealous of anything."

"Then why were you acting weird when you thought I liked him. Huh?"

"I was surprised. I would have been surprised at any boy, okay?" I had the same reaction to Parker I don't know what the big deal was.

"Fine be in denial. I'm just saying you and Jonathan-"

"Me and Alessia what?" The curly boy headed our way.

"Nothing," I rolled my eyes as he took a seat next to me. I ignored Kayla's stare as he did so. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"I'm on my break," he shrugged with a smile. "So any Halloween plans for you guys?"

"Oh well I hadn't thought past coming here tonight," Kayla said. "What about you? Do you have to work all night?"

"Yeah my shift is til closing. I should probably head back. Do you guys want to meet Pattie in case y'all head out?" He nodded back over to the sweet old lady.

"Yeah sure," Kayla smiled and stood up. Jonathan and I did the same, heading to the cash register where Pattie stood.

"Pattie, I want you to meet Kayla and Alessia." He pointed at us respectively.

"Well hello dears," she smiled at us. "Y'all are the cutest little things I've ever seen. How'd you get caught up with these boys?" Pattie laughed.

"Hey," Parker whined.

"Oh hush, I'm just messing. Your costumes are adorable."

"Thank you ma'am," Kayla smiled at her and I did the same.

"I'm not gonna lie to you darling, but you don't seem like the ballerina type," she looked at me. "Far too, what do you kids say, bad bitchy."

"I agree," I laughed at her choice of words. Jonathan and Parker lost it at Pattie, the tall boy on the floor.

"You know what boys. How about you make sure these beautiful things get home safely? Have some fun while you are at it." Pattie said after they calmed down again.

"But it's only seven?"

"I know. I can handle the fort. Now go before I change my mind. And Parker man up, if you catch my drift. That Kayla girl is too pretty to be on her own, okay?" Pattie pointed a finger at Parker. How she had even known about the two was past me.

"Yes ma'am," Parker blushed. The two boys hung their aprons up.

"Where to?" Kayla asked as we headed out the door.

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