Chapter 6

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Alessia POV
When I was little I was determined that I would be a spy when I grew up. For Halloween for years I was a secret agent of some sort. It lasted for so long that my dad even built me a "headquarters" at the very back of our yard. My parents and I would play for what seemed like hours in our yard and around the house doing special missions. It's one of my earliest memories of us as a family. I think that's why I wanted it to last forever. Ever since then I've been determined to be seen as a strong and independent girl.

The headquarters my dad had built was past the patio and pool and behind my mom's garden. Looking back I don't know why my parents put it there, if I was outside by myself they had no way of seeing me. This is why it became the perfect place for Damien and I to meet up. When we started dating I knew that my parents, mostly my dad, wouldn't approve so I've kept it a secret, so we met a lot in my backyard. I was planning on telling Mom and Dad eventually, but sneaking around had become the new normal.

I stood in the shed that had once been well kept up and painted to match my spy persona. Now it had mostly rotted wood and smelled of mold, probably from the hole in the roof. Waiting on Damien to show up, I began to walk around. I noticed an old coloring book on the floor along with some dolls that had never made it back inside. I leaned down to pick one up when the door opened.

"Hey, Babe," Damien walked in, heading straight for a kiss, but I stopped him with my hand.

"What did you want to talk about?" I glared at him.

"A lot of things. Mostly apologies." He said.

"I'd start there before I start to leave," I retorted.

"I guess that's fair. I'm sorry. I'm for fighting with you over nothing. I was really stressed and having to see my dad didn't help, so I took it out on you. You did nothing wrong. All you did was be a good girlfriend who was concerned. I would be mad at me too." He said taking a few more steps towards me.

"Is that all?"

"Cat also told me about what happened that night. I really didn't hear you. I assumed you had gone home and it isn't fair that you got caught instead of me and Cat who actually were drinking," he tucked a hair behind my ear, "If I had known you were there, I would have taken you away. I promise, babe."

"I can't forgive you that easily, Damien. Because of you and Cat, I'm now dealing with a tutor and an obsessed mother."

"Tutor? Aren't you like super smart?"

"No I'm not and my grades have gone down since I spend all my time with you and Cat. Speaking of which, I'm not even supposed to be hanging out with you. I'm grounded until further notice."

"Like that's stopped us before," he smirked. "Am I going to have to be jealous of this tutor?" He laughed.

"No, dummy. I guess I forgive you, for now." I laughed. He joined in before pulling me into a kiss and we stayed like that for a while before he left.

"Bye, babe. Call me." Damien walked out of the shed to his house. Part of me was glad that he was sorry, but a smaller part felt weird about the whole thing. He had such a 180 from a few weeks ago. And why try to talk to me now. He hadn't texted me more than once between now and a couple of weeks ago. Maybe I was just over thinking. Maybe.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out while working on my English essay. After he left for work, I felt so guilty about saying Jonathan wasn't my friend. He probably thought I was embarrassed of him, when I wasn't I just don't like getting help. Or telling others I needed help. Even though he acted like nothing happened yesterday and today, I still felt bad. We were beginning to be nice and I did what I did best. Ruin it. Which is why I wanted nicer for once. Less bitchy, more buddy.

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