Chapter 7

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Alessia POV

"So, Jonathan, how's it going with Alessia?" My dad turned to face Jonathan, who was sitting across from me at the dining table.

"Um you could've asked me, Dad?" I folded my arms at him.

"Yeah I know," my dad smirked at me, showing where I got it from.

"It's going well, sir, she's really smart so she makes my job easy," Jonathan smiled awkwardly, visibly nervous around my dad. I couldn't help but blush a little at his statement, so I just grabbed another slice of pizza hoping him or my mother wouldn't notice.

"Alessia making something easy?" Dad fake gasped.

"Heyyyy," I threw my napkin at him. "Eres muy vergonzoso. Me pregunto por qué no traigo amigos a la casa," I complained to him. (You are so embarrassing. I wonder why I don't bring friends home.)

"¿Qué hice?" (What did I do?)

"Tenemos un invitado. No seas maleducado," my mom cut in. (We have a guest. Don't be rude.) "Sorry about that, Jonathan. My husband's family is Latino, so Alessia and her father like to talk in Spanish when they don't want other people to know what they are saying." She then turned to me giving me a look that said "cut it out or I'll make you"

"Oh it's fine," Jonathan smiled. "My uncle is from Colombia and likes to do the same."

"It took me years to learn, but Alessia picked up on it really fast after she spent her childhood with my in laws." Her smiled faded for a second before she was beaming once again. Our lives before we moved to Houston had always been a touchy subject for my mom.

"That's because I'm a genius." I said which made my parents laugh. "I don't understand what is so funny, but whatever." After that we fell back into a small talk before Jonathan started to glance at his phone.

"I hate to be rude, but I have to be at work. I'm sorry I can't stay to clean up," he apologized.

"Oh don't even worry about it. Alessia why don't you walk him out." I turned to her to say why but kept my mouth shut when she gave me a look. After Jonathan gathered his stuff, we headed out the door towards his car.

"Your dad is nice," he said on our way.

"Then why did you look so scared?"

"I did not."

"Yeah you did. You know we are very similar, no need to be so scared."

"Maybe that's why I'm scared," he laughed as he put his backpack in his back seat. After he closed the door, I leaned against his car and glared at him.

"Who knew you were such a comedian."

"Hey, my mom thinks I'm really funny." I tried not to smile, but ended up failing when I turned to see his big one. His then got even bigger, if possible.

"So how'd it go with that Katie girl," he nodded towards Cat's house.

"Cat. And fine I guess," I shrugged.

"So are y'all like best friends?"

"Yeah, we became really close when she moved in. For a while we hung out around her house, but then we got into parties and stuff. Because of her a lot has happened in my life. A boyfriend and getting a police escort to my house. You know, normal bestie things."

"A police escort? Were you arrested?" He basically shouted from shock.

"Woah calm down, it's not like that. I was at a party with her and her brother, my boyfriend, and the cops came. Since I was sober, they let me off with a warning and a ride home." He seemed to relax a little after hearing this.

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