Chapter 31

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Alessia POV

"What?" I breathed out. Shock hit me like a truck as I looked back at him. A pregnancy test. How did he even find that?

"I know you are still mad at me," Jonathan continued. "But we can talk about this. Why didn't you tell me you thought you were pregnant?" He took a step towards me, reaching his arms out.

"Slow your roll there, dude. Where did you even find it?"

"In the bathroom. It was in the trash can. Like I said I wasn't snooping, it was right there for me to see."

"Oh my god."

"I'm sure this isn't how you wanted it to play out, Alessia. But this is serious and-"

"I'm not pregnant, Jonathan!" I snapped him out of whatever rambling faze he was in.

"I know that, Alessia. It was negative."

"That's not what I mean. It's not even mine. Why on earth would you think I took a pregnancy test?"

"I don't know. I assumed you had the talk. 'When two people love each other very much'...." Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. I'm not an idiot, I know how it works."

"I never said you were."

"Why do we even need to talk about this? It's not mine. There, no problem."

"Well I though it was yours. Given history-" that's all I needed to snap. Mentioning my mom was a low blow.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Jonathan?" I glared at him. "Just because my mom had a kid as a teen doesn't say anything about me."

"What? No, I was trying to say-"

"Say what? That the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I've heard it all, so you can shut the hell up."

"Stop putting words in my mouth, Alessia. I never for a second even thought about it like that. By history, I meant we had sex. And sex leads to babies. It had nothing to do with your family's history."

"Well congratulations, I'm not pregnant. Not even my test. So you don't have to worry about it."

"I already knew that. I told you your-the test was negative."

"Then why did you come in here?"

"I just wanted you to know that if you thought that you were pregnant. You could still talk to me about it, that it wouldn't be something you'd go through alone. No matter how you feel about me, I still care about you."


Jonathan raked his hands through his hair. "You are so frustrating, do you know that?" He turned his back to me. His hands interlocked with each other, resting at the nape of his neck behind his head. He lifted his arms up with a stretch, letting out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry that I don't know when I can trust you, Jonathan. Have you for a second even thought about that? I don't know what's real anymore. With you, my parents- would you look at me when I'm talking to you?" I snapped at him, but he didn't even budge.

"You kept it." I moved to see what he was looking at. His right hand was hovering over the picture of us from the pizza parlor. The smiles that were painted on our faces contrasted to the expressions we held now. Jonathan turned back towards me slowly, his face filled with concern but mostly of sadness. Maybe even regret.

"This isn't what we are talking about," I changed the subject. "You say that you care, but I call bullshit. Just like everything else was. So tell me, how can ever trust you again? How do I know that you really care?" I was getting more and more frustrated by the second.

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