Chapter 8

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Jonathan POV

35. 1570. 1. 4.0.

These were all numbers that determined my worth. My ACT and SAT scores, my class rank, my GPA. They were what was gonna get me to college, to a career that would let me take care of my mom. Some might would say I was obsessive with these numbers. My mom would say I was too hard on myself. I would say that they weren't enough. For longer than I'd like to admit, these numbers were what made me happy or sad. They defined me. They still do.

I want to make my mom proud. She's had too many people disappoint her in her life and if I can change that, I would. That's why I put everything I can into academics. If I'm being honest, there isn't much to me besides school anyway.

"Hey Jon Jon, can you help me tie my shoe?" I turned from my seat at my desk to see Noah standing in my door.

"Come here buddy." Crouching down, I tied up shoes. "Didn't I already teach you how?"

"Yeah, but I forgot."

"Do I need to show you again?" He nodded, so I untied both of his shoes.

"Ok sing with me. Over, under, around, and through. Meet Mr Bunny, pull and through. Now you try."

"Over, under, around and through," he sang before looking up at me.

"Yeah you got it now. Now meet..."

"Meet Mr Bunny, pull and through." He finished. Even though it wasn't as neat as mine, he still made a knot which was a lot for him.

"Yayyyy!!! Good job, bud. You are such a big boy," I cheered for him.

"I'm a bigger boy than you," he smirked, reminding me of the way Alessia does. Except she smiles more to the right side of her face and has a little scrunch in her nose. Not that I noticed.

"Oh really, then can you defeat..... THE TICKLE MONSTER!" I yelled and began to chase him out of the room. We made our way into the living room where he "hid" behind the couch. "Now where did he go?"

"Is he under the pillow?" I snatched up a pillow on the floor. "No. Is he in the kitchen? Nooooo. Is he behind the couch?" I jumped towards him and picked him up. I spun him around and tickled while he giggled.

"Now what's going on in here?" I looked to my right and saw my mom in the kitchen.

"Nothing," Noah and I said at the same time while I put him down.

"Hmm, that's what I thought. Noah isn't it your bed time?" He groaned giving her her answer. "Go put your jammies on and brush your teeth so I can read you and the other boys a bedtime story. Tell Grant and Zach the same thing." He scurried off to the room he shared with my two other brothers.

"How was work and tutoring, Jonathan?"

"It was good. Same old same old."

"How old is the kid again? Didn't you say an elementary schooler a couple weeks ago?"

"Actually she's a senior, too. I got it mixed up."

"Oh she is, is she nice?"

"Yeah, Alessia is pretty cool. She just really hates math," I laughed at the thought of her arguing with her trig homework.

"Oh well I don't blame her. Is she cute?"

"What?" Where on earth was she going with this?

"Oh she is. I could tell by how you said her name. Someone has a crush, huh?"

"Oh not you, too." I mentally facepalmed myself, knowing my mom would not let this go.

"Who else is right?" She laughed.

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