Chapter 33

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Jonathan POV

"So are you going to your grandma's for Christmas again?" Parker asked, his back to me as we wiped down tables.

It was Friday afternoon. Today had been the last day of school before breaking for the holidays. Parker and I had one last shift before Pattie gave us the week off.

"She's coming down this year." With everything going on at home, my grandma insisted she come and give my mom a break. One that she deserved. Alessia's mom had been working hard with my mom, but I didn't know if it was enough.

Alessia. Even the thought of her name still hurt. It had been two weeks since I last saw her. Or at least talk to her. It felt like I saw her everywhere. It's funny, I never noticed how often our paths actually crossed until now. I guess that's how it works, right?

"Oh that's nice," Parker said back before turning to me. "Wait. Does that mean I get to come over for cookies?" Parker's eye lit up at the thought.

"Of course. But that also means Grandma Judy will force you to wear one of her sweaters." Parker and I laughed at the image. When I was younger, my grandma would come down more often and would bring me a sweater she had knitted. Parker was over at my house so often she even made on for him too. No matter how ugly they could be, we wore them with pride.

"It's worth it." Parker walked off to the back. I quickly finished the table I was clearing, following after him.

"Have you gotten Kayla's present yet?" I asked him. All I received was a groan in response. "Dude, seriously? Christmas is next week."

"Don't you think I know that?" He glared at me and let out a long sigh. "You don't realize how hard it is to get a gift for someone who feels guilty for receiving one. Even though it's Christmas."

"What? Does Kayla not like gifts or something?"

"Oh no. She does. She just hates getting them. I surprised her with a candy bar, a candy bar, and she tried to pay me back for it. I didn't hear the end of it for like a week." I couldn't help but laugh at the exasperated look that fell onto the guy's face.

"Did you ask her? Maybe she just doesn't want to be surprised."

"I did. She told me not to get her anything. But I know she's already gotten me something."

"Is there anything you could do for her? Like wash car?"

"Wash her car? For Christmas, dude?"

"Sorry that's the first thing that came to mind," I held my hand up defensively. "Seriously though, you could do something like that. Or just deal with her complaining about a gift that she will still love. As long as it's from you and not completely stupid, she'll like it."

"You are so cheesy," Parker gave me a shove. He laughed.

"I'm not. Your girlfriend is," I teased as he walked through the doorway.

"Oh shut up," he laughed again, but it was cut off. I made my way through to the front of the store again. The smile I had fell a little as a brunette girl walked up to the counter.

"Alessia?" I breathed.

"Hey, Jonathan," she gave me a weak smile. Alessia stood in front of the counter with a gift bag in her hands. She fiddled with it shyly as she waited for me to say something.

"Um, what can we do for you?" Parker said in the middle of the awkward silence that had quickly filled the room.

"I was hoping to talk to Jonathan," she looked at me again.

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