Chapter 29

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Alessia POV

I spent the rest of the weekend in my room or at Kayla's. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with my parents. I think they could tell since they tried to stay out of my way. It was the following Monday at school and I felt like shit. I hardly slept last night. I hardly slept at all these last few days.

I walked to lunch alone, a scowl highlighted on my face. Passing Jonathan and Parker at our usual table, I strutted over to an empty table waving Kayla over who had walked in. She gave an apologetic look to her boyfriend and sat beside me.

"Hey, Alessia?" I looked up at Kayla confused, who nodded behind me. Standing over me was Hillary, a weak smile on the blonde's face. "Can I sit with y'all today?"

"I don't own the table," I shrugged at looked back at my lunch.

"Go ahead, Hillary," Kayla smiled up at her. "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you with Becca?"

"Oh well she found out I was the one who told Alessia about her an Damien," she said. "She is pissed to say the least."

"I didn't say anything," I tilted my head at her, confused.

"Oh, I know," Hillary nodded. "It was Damien. I was having an argument with her and he brought it up to use against me. He knows I don't like him for Becca. Or in general." The last part made me chuckle a little.

"Fair enough. I'm guessing she took his side?"


"What were you fighting about?" My curiosity was taking control at the moment.

"And they say I'm nosy," she joked, her smile fading after a second. "Well, at a party on Friday, Becca left early and she asked me to stay to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. So I stayed with him the rest of the night and he took this as a hint or something. Trust me, it wasn't."

"He tried to make a move on you?" Kayla asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Not that I'm surprised. I told Becca and she believed me at first, but then Damien came. He told her she shouldn't trust me because I'm the one who told you about them. So she told me to get lost."

"She's a bitch," I shrugged. Unlike Kayla, I was not shocked by a single word Hillary had said.

"He's made her worse. She wasn't like this before. Definitely not to me."

"That's what Damien does. Ruins things. Breaks them if he can," I said, mostly to myself. This was the first time that I was able to talk about him and feel nothing. I wasn't scared. Ashamed. Sad. I felt nothing for that asshole. My eyes flickered to Jonathan, knowing he was the answer for that. Stupid prick. Even when I hated him he was still helping me.

Changing the subject, I turned to Hillary with a smirk, "So.....enough about that asshole. Any boys you have your eyes on?"

"What? Uh-no?" She said quickly. "No I don't."

"Really? You aren't interested in anyone?" Kayla asked, obviously loving all the gossip she was hearing this afternoon.

"I didn't say that. I said I didn't have any boys I was interested in." Hillary looked down at her lap, embarrassed.

"Oh this just got interesting," I leaned forward in my seat. "Spill, blondie."

"Well there is this girl," she hesitated.

"Don't leave us hanging keep going," Kayla gave her a shove, showing her acceptance in a playful way. I nodded with a smile.

"I don't know if she likes me, for obvious reasons. Plus she's a total bitch, to everyone. But a pretty one," Hillary sighed. She was obviously whipped.

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