Chapter 20

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Alessia POV

It was the Tuesday before Halloween. All of yesterday and today, people had been anxiously waiting for Friday. Rumors of parties were flying everywhere. And here I sat in the schools stuffy library, working on a stupid group project. Our little group had decided to meet during lunch every now and then instead of meeting outside of school. Each time, Kayla was the last to arrive and the first to leave. I'm sure to avoid me as much as possible, which she succeeded in doing.

The curly haired girl sat in front of me, having muttered not a single word to me. As I stole glances at her, I couldn't help but think of what Jonathan had said to me the week before.

"Just talk to her," he whispered in my ear, low enough for only me to hear. I turned to him knowing he caught me staring at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I denied in a low voice. "Get back to work." He just rolled his eyes at me and turned back to his computer.

The lunch bell rang for us to return to class. I packed my bag as fast as I could and chased after Kayla who was already out the door. Here goes nothing.

"Kayla, hold on a second." I swallowed hard as she stopped, a little surprised that she listened to me. If anything goes wrong it's Jonathan's fault.

"What?" She turned to me hesitantly. I pulled her to the side of hallway, out of people's way.

"Can we talk?"

"I really need to get to class," she tried to shrug me off.

"Please, it'll only take a second," I begged. I wasn't really sure what I was going to say to be honest.

"Fine," she crossed her arms impatiently.

"I'm sorry," I let out a breathe. "For so so much. For being a shitty friend. For being a total bitch all the time. For trying to forget about you. For leaving you. I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, you should be." She just looked at me, no emotion on her face.

"Okay," I nodded. That's as far as I got in my head.

"Is that all?"

"No, yes, I don't know. I just needed to tell you that. I'm sorry."

"Took you long enough," she scoffed. "I'm going to class. If you have anything else to say to me, I might meet you after to school." With that she turned on her heels and walked off to class.

I headed to the parking lot after waiting for Kayla to come out the doors. When she hadn't after ten minutes, I gave up and headed to my car. The space next to mine was filled by Jonathan, a new part of our unspoken routine for the past few weeks.

"Any luck," he leaned up against my car, waiting for me.

"I don't know what you mean." I shoved him a little to put my stuff in the back seat.

"I saw you talk to her, Alessia."

"Yeah well she didn't seem to want to talk back." I slammed my door to face him. When I did I saw Kayla approaching us.

"Hey, Jonathan," she smiled widely. "Sia." Her smile weakened a little.

"Hi, Kayla," Jonathan smiled back. "How's it going? I didn't get to ask earlier, you were kinda in a rush." I eyed him and fought the urge to kick him.

"Pretty good, how about you?"

"Oh just waiting for Parker. Which reminds me," he turned to me, "I will be a little late coming to your house, I have to drop Parker off." As if at the mention of his name, Parker approached the three of us as well.

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