Chapter 23

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Just a fair warning there is mention and small descriptions of an anxiety attack. If that is triggering to you I would skip to the end with the dashes. If not then I hope you enjoy.
Alessia POV

It was Friday again, thank goodness. After a long week of school and dealing with Kayla and Parker, the weekend could not come fast enough. Unfortunately it was only lunch time. I walked out of my class and into the hallway, where Kayla and the boys stood waiting for me.

It had been three weeks since Halloween and we know had an unspoken routine. In the mornings, all four of us would meet up in the library. At lunch the other three would walk over to my hall and wait. After school we'd hang out for a few minutes in the parking lot, since we tried to park near each other. It felt good to have this routine. I haven't looked forward to school like this since before Kayla and I fell out. Today wasn't anything different.

"Hey guys," I walked over and stood next to Jonathan. Kayla and Parker were still in the honeymoon phase. Kinda gross. The couple were currently holding each other, with Parker behind Kayla, his arms wrapped around her waist. Due to the height difference, he had to crouch down, resting his head on her shoulder. They were cute I had to admit.

"Hey Sia," Kayla smiled, giggling a little when Parker leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"Look what we created," I rolled my eyes at Jonathan, who laughed at the disgusted look I gave them.

"Oh whatever, like you and Damien weren't all over each other," Kayla teased. A tensed a little at his name, but laughed anyway. Kayla and I had gotten closer these last few weeks, but I still hadn't told her everything. I noticed Parker glance at Jonathan. Turning my head, I saw he had a large frown on his face. I guess he was still pissed about the whole thing.

"Let's head to lunch," Parker said, leading the way with his arm still around Kayla. Jonathan and I started to follow when his phone went off.

"It's my mom, I'll meet you guys in a second," he waved us off when we turned to look at him.

We sat down at our normal table once we made it to the cafeteria. After almost ten minutes of dealing with Mr. and Mrs. Kissy Face, Jonathan still wasn't back.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom," I said to the couple and headed out the door. I walked past the bathrooms to look for Jonathan. Turning the corner, there he was. Sitting on the ground, his head was in his lap and he was breathing hard.

"Jonathan are you okay?" I ran over to him, kneeling down. He looked up and I saw his face full of tears. He tried to wipe them away with shaky hands when he realized it was me. "Oh my god, what happened?"

"I'm f-f-fine," he stuttered out, taking another deep breath and another and another. 

That's what my mind immediately went to. I froze where I knelt beside him, every shaky breath he took made my heart drop. What could I do? Tears continued to stream down his face, which was getting paler by the second.

"You don't seem fine. What's going on?" This time I didn't get a response. Jonathan put his head back in his lap. He took more controlled breaths, trying to calm his breathing.

"Can-" he paused for a second, moving his hands to a chest, as if he was having a heart attack. "Can you get Parker?" His voice was soft and weak.

"Yeah, one second," I ran down the hallway and into the cafeteria. "Parker, Jonathan is-I found him- I don't know- his breathing-" I tried to get out when I reached our table.

"Woah, Alessia what's going on?" Parker asked, worry filling his face.

"It's Jonathan. He was in the hallway, and he was crying and shaking. He looked like he couldn't breathe and he asked for you. Parker is he okay?" I managed to get out.

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