Chapter 9

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Alessia POV

Monday's suck. Bad.

For once I was able to actually enjoy my weekend after me and Jonathan had caught up on a good amount of work. I decided I needed a break and boy do I miss it. Here I was sitting in my first block, the first bell about to ring, and I already wanted to leave.

School was just so exhausting. Sure i learned some things, but would they really help me in the future. That's exactly my train of thought as my trig teacher walked in. I'm sorry but trig was no where on my radar for the future. Mrs Rhea was a sweet lady and she really tried her best, but I just couldn't make it click. The only person who could was Jonathan and even then it took forever.

"Ok class," she began after the last tardy bell rang, "so we are combining with the Calc class for a fun little project. You will each have to partner with someone in that class and then find another set of partners to create a group of four. Sound good?" She asked. The only responses she got were some grunts, but what did you expect at 8am. "Great, y'all. Here they come."

Into our classroom came Mrs. Powell and her class behind her. I didn't pay much attention to who exactly came in. I was looking out for one mop of curly hair in particular. When our eyes met each other's when he walked in I couldn't help but smile a little. It would be nice to not have to find some stuck up know it all, that's all.

"Hey, Alessia do you want to partner up?" Jonathan walked over to my desk with his on brand smile.

"Depends, what's in it for me?" I asked, my own smile turning into a smirk.

"A good grade," he joked as he sat next to me.


"So anyone else you want to partner with?"

"Nah. How about your boyfriend? Tall boy?"

"Parker? My boyfriend?" He cocked an eyebrow up, "he may be bi, but he'd rather die than date me."

"Oh really?" I couldn't help but laugh. "What about you? Is it unrequited love?" I teased.

"Trust me. I would be the one to kill him."

"Right well now that is cleared up, why don't you move your butt and ask him to join our group?"

"Fine. Fine." Jonathan got up and headed over to the door where his not boyfriend, Parker I guess, stood. He seemed pretty pissed and sent a look my way. Perfect.

After a few moments Jonathan came back over, basically dragging the other boy along with him. That's when I noticed everyone else in the class was paired up.

"Alessia, this is my best friend, Parker."

"Hey," I gave a small wave as he stared at me before giving an indifferent 'sup'.

"So what about our fourth person," I questioned as I looked around the room.

"It looks like no one else is left," Parker said, more towards Jonathan than me. With that Jonathan raised his hand.

"Mrs Powell, Mrs Rhea, since no one else is left can we have Kayla in our group, she was absent today?" He asked. Kayla. Please tell me there was more than one smart Kayla in this school.

"You are right, Jonathan, Miss Turner is out. I don't see why not. Mrs Rhea is that good with you?" She turned to her colleague who nodded with excitement.

"Thank you ma'am," he smiled before turning back to our group. He was met by a look of discomfort from me and surprisingly a look of anger from Parker. After glaring at Jonathan for a few seconds, he excused himself to the bathroom.

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