XIV : The Invitation

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Cal and Gwen glanced at one another, as the small Vampire glared at them both.

"I'm guessing this is one of Edward's friends?"

"His sister" Gwen said, as she recalled what Edward had mentioned to her about his favorite sister. He had described her with great detail. He had even mentioned a couple of times that he believed Gwen and Alice would be great friends. And ultimately, he described the pixie-like Vampire to be sweet and loving.

But the threatening girl standing before them was far from sweet and loving.

"So why is she looking at us like she wants to eat us?" Cal asked, swallowing hard as he held his wand.

If under any other circumstance, Gwen would have burst out laughing. She knew her partner had no concept of battle. He had gone straight from school into research. This was his first assignment.

His first real assignment out in the field.

So when he had walked in on Gwen and Edward earlier that day thinking she had been attacked, his first mistake was barging in without thinking her attacker was still there. Because if he truly had been trained, he would have came in as quietly as possible. Instead, he created so much noise that it would have allowed for the attacker to get away or kill her.

And seeing Cal now, Gwen knew she would have to handle this. Because if Gwen's dark thoughts were correct, as much as she didn't want to believe it, Edward had betrayed her.

"Stay here" The raven-haired woman commanded, as she slipped her wand into her sleeve and opened the car door slowly.

"No way--" Cal began, as Gwen held her hand up to the man.

"We don't know where Edward is" Gwen said clearly, as could see Alice's fierce glare was unwavering. "He was with me all day and then disappeared. I thought he went home."

Alice's eyes sharply moved over to Cal, who came out of the car as well.

Gwen didn't take her eyes off of the pixie-like Vampire, as she knew how fast they were able to move. And the way Edward made it sound, Alice had not been in the best mood since she lost her 'visions'. And the small Vampire had placed that blame specifically on Gwen and Cal.

"We mean you no harm" Cal said calmly, as he raised his arm like a git.

Gwen wanted to snap at him to keep his hand on his wand, but again, she did not want to take her eyes off of the Vampire. For one wrong move, the Vampire could hurt them both in seconds. She knew how fast Edward moved, and wouldn't doubt his small sister was faster.

"From what Gwen tells me, your brother Edward struck up a Pact with us. We are going to work together" Cal continued.

"So where is he then?" Alice said sharply, her small foot still holding down their car as she added pressure and crushed it slowly. "He hasn't been home at all. Last he was seen, was with you."

Alice's topaz eyes turned to Gwen, examining her at great lengths, as though wanting to store the memory of every pore on her face and every hair on her head. And maybe the small Vampire wanted to intimidate the raven-haired woman. But she had seen true monsters before. She had faced death before. And this did not seem as threatening.

So Gwen held her gaze, staring into the same topaz-colored eyes as Edward's.

"Your guess is as good as ours" Gwen said clearly.

Though, Gwen did wonder if Edward really had gone back on the Pact, why was his sister looking for him? And the way Alice spoke, there was a tone of worry. Edward had left so quickly...Almost evaporated. She knew he could have just run away swiftly from her room without her or Cal noticing. But she thought he would have gone with his family, that he would have gone home. So where did he go?

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