XXX : The Effortless Fall

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"Ah, yes! My biggest fans!" Alex cried, as he saw Edward and Neville walking forward. "Let them through, let them through!"

Alex immediately allowed asked for Edward and Neville's presence with him in his photo stage, where he was getting photographed with his many admirers.

Edward turned to look back to where he had left Gwen, as he saw her turned back, dancing with that man. The music was slower now, dreamier. Her body was resting on the man's, as they moved back and forth perfectly. Edward felt a twinge of jealousy shoot through him. Well, maybe more than just a twinge.

They had been so close to kissing once more...They had gotten lost in the music, in their happiness, forgetting all else around them. If Edward could have frozen that moment, stopped time forever to stay with her in that peaceful moment, he would have. But reality struck them once again, pulling them apart as though it were inevitable.

"Since when do you dance...Well, willingly dance?" Edward heard Gwen ask Harry in her teasing voice that Edward recognized so well.

"You know you're the only person who could ever make me dance" the man named Harry smiled.

Edward frowned as he continued to focus on their conversation, knowing Harry's words implied they often danced together.

But...Gwen had told him that she and Harry were just friends. But the way the man was looking at her, Edward thought maybe that was untrue. There was definitely something more there.

"Oh come on, smile mate!" Alex called suddenly, as he clapped Edward on the back.

Edward felt uncomfortable as he posed with Alex, suddenly annoyed as he could not focus on Gwen and the man.

"Ow!" Alex howled in pain, as he held his hand and rubbed it with his other, as the photograph was taken.

"Enough pictures!" Alex snapped, as he rubbed his hand. He waved to the shortening line, "Sorry ladies, we'll be back in an hour."

"You have to be here for another hour" the photographer whined.

"I'll be back soon, relax. I'm injured" Alex frowned playfully, as he continued to rub his hand and then looked to Edward. "Bloody hell Edward. You could have warned me. It's like your made of stone of something."

Edward did not say anything, at he took this moment of solace to glance over to Gwen dancing with the tall dark-haired man once more. He was now spinning her, and Edward watched as Harry caught her quite skillfully, as she rested her head on the man's chest and he rested his own on her head.

Edward knew she had a life. He knew she lived before she met him. How arrogant he was, for thinking she would want him. Especially when she had a line of suitors who knew her better than he would ever. A line of suitors who were not monsters...

Would her life lead her to come back home with this man? Reuniting as they made a home of her Hogsmeade cottage? As she had children with this man and settled down?

He thought of Gwen and Harry with greying hair, as children ran around Gwen's cottage. He pictured the raven-haired girl kissing Harry a growl escaped his throat.

Edward shook the idea away. It was irrational jealousy.

Jealousy was such a human emotion, powerful but senseless—based on nothing more than watching her dance with another man that wasn't him. A man who was actually alive. A man that made more sense for her to be with. A man who wasn't in a relationship...A better man...

"What's wrong with him?" Alex asked Neville, as Edward found himself walking along with them as he continued to be lost in his thoughts.

"We ran into Harry" Neville answered. "Well, I told him Gwen was here--"

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