XX : The Aftermath

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The raven-haired girl caught her breath, feeling herself full of adrenaline as what she had just done began to sink in. She looked to Edward on the ground, not seeing any damage to his body as she touched her chest and her legs, making sure everything was in tact.

"I broke the treaty..." Edward whispered, as he continued to look as though he had gone into shock.

"Well, that was unexpected" Gwen said, ignoring his words as she ran her hand through her short hair.

She stepped forward as she looked up to the horizon where the castle stood. Hogwarts really was the first place she had thought of in that moment. They had narrowly escaped the werewolf, and made it across an entire continent using apparation! Something that wasn't recommended at all.

She felt sick as the reality continued to sink in. They were lucky they didn't end up dead or splinched.

But it's not like she was going to tell Edward that. The Vampire already looked traumatized enough. Taking deep breaths, she calmed herself into a clear mind as she looked down to the vampire on the ground.

"Come on" Gwen said gently, as she urged him to stand.

"What did I just do" Edward said, as he looked simply horrified on his knees. "I broke the treaty."

"You were protecting a human" Gwen pointed out, as she placed her hands to her waist. "They can't just--"

"You don't understand!" Edward snarled, as he finally broke out of whatever dark thoughts he was having.

The vampire looked into her eyes, pausing slightly as though seeing her for the first time. The raven-haired woman raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, as she met his darkening eyes. The two stood in silence, as the gleaming light from the rising sun was breaking through the mountains near them.

Edward slowly turned, eyeing the great castle on the horizon with wonder. He directed his shocked eyes back to the woman, as she waited expectantly.

"Gwen, where are--?"

"Hogwarts" Gwen said, as she put her hand out to help him up. "Hogsmeade, to be more precise. But that's the castle you're looking at."

Edward looked at her hand hesitantly, almost as though she were messing with him.

"It's not a trick" Gwen said, as she frowned and moved her hand away. "I was just trying to help you up."

But Edward caught her hand quickly as she pulled it away, intertwining his cold fingers in hers as she turned to help him up from off the ground. She felt a pleasant sense of comfort as the familiarity of cold and warmth joined once more. Their hands lingered together for more than was appropriate, as Gwen snatched her hand back just as quickly.

"You have to take me back" Edward said quietly.

"I can't--"

"My family could be in danger!"

"Victoria was practically handed to them on a silver platter--"

"From the wolves!"

"Oh, right" Gwen said, as she thought about the russet colored werewolf that almost bit off Edward's head. "Why did they attack you? You kept saying something about a treaty?"

"Yes. We have a treaty with them," Edward explained patiently, though Gwen could hear the slight frustration in his voice for having to explain this to her. "We don't cross their borders and they don't cross ours. We don't harm any humans--"

"But they tried to harm me!"

"The wolves are volatile. Especially the young ones. They're dangerous. And they can't think once they're in a rage. The one who tried to attack you, his name is Paul. He probably thought you were a threat and thought you were a Vampire. Once their anger begins, it doesn't stop. It's almost like an uncontrollable rage."

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