XLVI : The Council of War

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Gwen's cheeks burned as she felt the embarrassment from her misplaced display with Edward. She felt her heart thundering in her chest as she attempted to pull herself together. Edward himself, looked uncomfortable as he stood next to her, as though in a state of shock with what had just happened between them in front of his entire family.

They both must have looked flustered and embarrassed, as what happened between them gave their audience a simple glimpse of how the two were naturally drawn to one another.

A glimpse into the potential of their friendship. A glimpse into a future that could have been.

But despite how she felt internally, she knew she had to pull herself together.

"Thanks for the training" Gwen said in a clear cut voice without looking at him.

The raven-haired woman walked calmly away from him, not meeting his eyes as she could hear a defeated and sorrowful sigh coming from him. She crossed her arms as she took calm breaths, trying to keep her heartbeat steady and normal. She was trying to keep her composure, as all eyes were on her.

The shame came spiraling through her all at once, as she knew what had just happened could have been avoided if she just refused to spar with Edward. Emmett had been willing and offering to train her. And yet, she had accepted Edward's offer. They had agreed to remain cordial until the battle, then lose all contact.

And yet, here they were, practically losing control and kissing in front of the Pack and the Cullen family...When Edward's fiancee was sitting at home...

Cal raised his eyebrow at her as though quite confused on what had just happened, as she stood next to him for the battle strategy planning. She knew he would not ask, but as her partner, she knew she had to tell him something later on.

"The pack thinks it would be helpful to be familiar with each of our scents" Edward called, breaking the silence as he turned to his family with serious look of despair. "So they don't make mistakes later. If we could hold very still, it will make it easier for them."

"Certainly," Carlisle said calmly to Sam, as nothing had occurred between Gwen and Edward. "Whatever you need."

The wolves then appeared out of the forest, as Gwen put herself together and focused her mind on what battle that was to take place the following day. Sam was in the lead, of course. Unbelievably huge, black as midnight, and to Gwen, he was a downright beautiful beast.

Now that Gwen could see them all, match the vastness with each pair of eyes, it looked like more than ten. The pack was truly overwhelming and powerful. She admired their beautiful fur and of course, how organized they were. As her eyes lingered on Sam, she wondered what it was like to have that much pressure of having all of those lives on his shoulders. They were almost the same age after all, just one year apart. And of course she, had survived in a war and fought to keep her friends alive. But they in no way had a connection as Sam did with the rest of the Pack.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Edward was watching her with his downhearted golden eyes. But knowing she didn't want another mistake happening in front of everyone, she kept her own on the Pack before her.

She knew there could be no more stolen moments. No more stolen looks or casual encounters. It was too dangerous. For both of them.

So Gwen kept her eyes forward, watching as Sam approached Carlisle where he stood in the front, the huge pack right on his tail. Jasper stiffened, but Emmett, on the other side of Carlisle, was grinning and relaxed. Sam sniffed at Carlisle, seeming to wince slightly as he did. Then he moved on to Jasper, then to the rest of the Cullens.

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