XLVII : The Disruption

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Gwen found herself sitting under the trees, breathing in the familiar fresh aromatic pine scent calmly, as it reminded her of memories of her first love. It was a warm feeling, one of nostalgia and wonder.

Time was so wondrous. One moment you were fourteen and getting ready for a ball and the next, you were nineteen; in a different country and preparing for battle once more.

She closed her eyes, as her long lashes tickled her cheeks as she laid on the ground. The forest floor was so woven with ancient tree roots. She opened her eyes to see the moonlight filtering through the bouquet of foliage above her. And despite the ground being cold and hard, she felt comfort from it.

Gwen knew when this was over, she would return to New York immediately. She and Cal would write up their reports, they would turn it in and present the discovery of a new type of Vampires and Werewolves to MACUSA and her own Ministry.

And...Perhaps the Cullens would come with them at some point.

Perhaps not.

Regardless, the door would always be open for them.

Of course, she knew Leah would join Cal. She seemed like the type to want to leave her hometown to something bigger. Though, Leah also had family in Forks. So perhaps, Cal would be the one to stay. She truly had no idea.

As she inhaled the fresh aromatic scent of pine once more, she heard soft footsteps heading her way.

"Hello" a familiar voice called, as Gwen opened her eyes once more to see Edward standing before her with an amused face of her laying on the ground.

"Hi" Gwen said softly.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked, as he joined her on the ground of the forest.

"Laying down."

"But why?"

"I'm enjoying the natural splendor."

Edward grinned, as he looked down at her face; her eyes remaining closed and calm. He then looked up to the sky, admiring the silvery moonlight shinning through the trees and hitting her dark brown skin in a way that caused it to look almost to glow as though she were a part of a dream.

"During the Second Wizarding War" Gwen said quietly, as she remained on the forest ground. "We would move from place to place, trying to keep ourselves hidden. I knew every day that we weren't found was a blessing in some way. We would be camping in multiple locations; near the lakes, near the mountains, in the forest; anywhere we could think of really. And despite the panic and urgency of what we were doing, I always...I always took a moment and just breathed. Just breathed the peace we were given, even in just that moment. I just breathed a small moment of relief. And I guess...I guess I kept that with me."

Edward nodded understandingly as he looked at her tenderly, "It makes sense. You're appreciating life, every moment, every breath."

"Exactly" Gwen said quietly.

She swallowed hard as he sat next to her. She knew they both were doing their best to not look at one another. Doing their best to not talk about what had happened between them while they were sparring. How close their bodies had been. How natural it had all felt. In some ways, if she was being honest with herself, really honest...it scared her.

"You're everywhere, you know that?" Gwen said, breaking the long silence between them.

"I know" Edward said in a vulnerable tone.

There was a silence that filled the forest, as only their breathing could be heard. And somehow, it was quite comforting to be sitting there with him. There was a peacefulness in the silence.

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