XXII : The Reunion

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Gwen couldn't help but overdo herself as she got Edward fitted and dressed in Gladrags Wizardwear. He even allowed her to pick out the mask he was to wear during the festival. It was a matte black mask made by goblin design, with a neat and intrinsic design.

She was pleasantly surprised Edward did not protest to her constant fittings, making him try on multiple dress robes as to make sure they got the right coloring to match his skin and eyes. Edward merely flashed her his crooked grin as she commanded him to try on different suits, and went along with it. And she couldn't help but feel pleased.

Gwen actually wondered how much she could push her luck before he regretted asking her to the ball.

Of course, they were going as the new friends they were. Gwen was well aware about Bella, and did not want to overstep any boundaries. But they were in Hogsmeade during this once a year festival. And it would do Edward good to experience the wonders of it.

When they had finished and Gwen purchased the dark blue classic dress robes for Edward (much to his protests), they made their way back to her home where he cooked her a very elegant breakfast. It truly almost rivaled the plates of lunch that Esme and Carlisle had made for her.

"So..." Gwen said hesitantly, as she looked to Edward shyly. It had been a question that had been raging in her mind since he blurted out randomly that he wanted to go to the festival.

"Yeah?" Edward answered, as the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"What brought this on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you looked ready to murder me, or at least suck my blood this morning" Gwen teased, as she saw Edward flinch with reproach. "And then you ask me to the ball?"

Edward hesitated, opening his mouth as though he was having a hard time articulating what he wanted to say. Gwen felt almost as though she were intruding on something private, as she looked away from him to give him some time to collect his thoughts. Maybe he was regretting asking her. Or maybe she shouldn't have asked at all, but it was bothering her. They went from friends, to no longer speaking, to Edward attempting to save her life, to friends, and now they were friends going to a festival together; all within two days.

The raven-haired woman stood up from the table, letting him gather his thoughts as she walked her plate to the kitchen sink. But before she could turn on the faucet, Edward ran towards her faster than she could see, turning on the water himself and gently taking the plate from her.

"You know, I do know how to wash a plate."

"Yes, but I am your guest."

"Exactly!" Gwen said, as she attempted to take back the plate from Edward, but he would not let go.

Instead, Edward slightly slid his cold fingers on top of hers, as though on accident, letting them sit comfortably on top of hers...As though they were always meant to be there.

Gwen felt herself tense as goosebumps crawled up her arms as their hands briefly lingered on each other. It was so subtle, but she could not help feeling the strange pull she often felt when alone with Edward. And this time, they were merely inches apart, as she looked up meet his now golden eyes once more. She could see him fighting with himself internally, struggling even.

She had no idea what to think as she gently let go of the plate, feeling nervous as she had no idea what to expect from him. Gwen didn't want him to pull away to the point he would decide to no longer speak to her again, so she took a step back from him.

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